This is a special Christmas, You have touched my...
Of all the things big and small that this world...
I am thankful something better that my hearts...
Jaded eyes allure and seduce,
A wicked smile is hidden behind a dragon fan...
I do not want an i pod
or a shiny new car...
Expensive presents wrapped in fabric
Striped candy canes swirling with taste...
Down the chimney he goes,
In and out of the doors of sleeping homes...
Only one month away...
She's sitting quietly all alone, in that dark cold...
Okay This sucks cos i don't know how to center...
Dear Santa, I'm 3 and my mommy is helping me.
I want a new truck to play with in the dirt...
A little cedar tree,
hidden among all the others...
I want to embrace within your heart;
I want to abide there for always...