Nothing is better than the memory lane....
were u remember every one and everything you...
Freshman year
flies by so fast...
4 years of going through hell. for what? sitting...
watch what your kids do at prom...
College ke ye din humesha yad humko aayenge,
Khatti mithi yado ke sang ankh nam kar jaenge...
How am I suppost
to say Goodbye to you...
Remember the friends that you had
forget the things that made you sad...
Though the tears and the fears i learned alot...
Though the fist fight and bug bits...
Four years of my life, they went by so fast
It's hard to think soon, they will be part of my...
Taking care of me for eight teen years
Now there will be some unwanted tears...
What time is it you ask, it is time for your life...
A girl named Alexis Jackson walked up to the...
And stood in front of the microphone...