Special Event Quotes

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  • “So I agree Racist should never be together but human should For we are one Human race each with a Colorless spirit inside so to define ourselves by races is to continue to Live a lie and No we should not be color blind”

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  • In 1999, I asked GOD to wake me up by 5AM every morning and started seeing unbelievable dreamvisions.

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  • Nobody can convince me to vote for a replacement president.

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  • For 1st and 2nd term, I would play more than read. Then when it came to 3rd term, I would read more than play so that I get promoted to the next class.

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  • Arua is a centenarian town, reached 100 years in 2014 and became a city at 106.

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  • Like P.O.D., am not the type to say: I told you so.

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  • On Wednesday 1st July 2020, Arua Town officially becomes a city as declared by the Ugandan Parliament. However, it has always been one to me since I first strutted there in Y2K.

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  • I always celebrate my birthday by thinking about the people I share it with. They remind me that life is worth living: From Lewis Hamilton to Ruth Negga, Yummy Bingham, Caster Semenya, Raila Odinga to my own cousin Job plus many other people.

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  • Your Birthday is a time you should always look forward to; it keeps me alive.

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  • After graduation, I went back to my first primary school and it felt small.

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