Special Event Quotes

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  • We don't make life hard it was given to us that way.

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  • May this day be the day where you look back and realize it was the day when you love eachother the least. May your love keep growing.

    by nicole
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  • Save Santa the trip...Just be naughty

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  • I wish I was Santa he knows
    Where the naughty boys live.

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  • When the snow is coming down
    There is only one place I want to be
    Is in your arms

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  • Santa wont you bring me the one I really need?
    Wont you please bring my baby to me??

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  • Never go off track so far that you cant get back on
    by jackie vallerio

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  • When my dad wants to meet you, that means you're worth his time, and his time is precious.

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  • They say a person's birthday is the best time in the year but what about the other 364 days of the year.. That's what you are for...

  • Found one and bells will come no one see ur just dreaming that he will be the one.

    by ieasha
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