Special Event Quotes

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  • Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.


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  • Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

    -St Paul

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  • Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things.

    -Blessed Mother Thesesa

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  • Tap a keg, smoke a bowl. We're the class you can't control. Sex is life and life is great, we're the class of 2008!

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  • Do not mourn my death when I am gone! Rather, choose to celebrate my life!

    by Larry
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  • Wax the floor ,make it shine cause here comes the class of 2009!!!!!!!!!!!

    by Maria
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  • Birthday is a special sumthin
    you wouldn't want to give them nuthin

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  • I love the holder of my heart for thou is beautiful, smart, and loving.

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  • We only have one birthday but if we trust Christ as our Savior and then we'll have two.

    PS. please contact me if would want to ask on how to have your second birthday...

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  • Some times the best lives lived are left behind for others to live! (Rip) grandpa.

    by JASON
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