View a day in the country side
Acquire a resident as a guide...
Come together O Family of mine,
So together we all shall dine...
Thanks Shakespeare to write such literature
You have shown man's thoughts and nature...
They're bringing the turkey out now.
I remember how much you used to love it...
Life is a circle of ups and downs
Happiness and pain, smiles and frowns...
The sun, the moon, the sky and stars,
And delicious tasting chocolate bars...
It's a day of thanks
were family and friends get together...
Give thanks:
September 6, 1620, the Mayflower with her crew and...
Dear Heavenly Father as we bow our heads today We...
Everyone haws something they're thankful for, even...
I am so thankful for many things, the amzement and...
God made us all unique,
Born in a world of talents...
Not only today, but every day of the year,
We need to give thanks for all the blessings so...