"Flounder On The Brain" #61
11-22-12 12:35 pm...
Remembering last thanksgiving
and all to be thankful for...
Ok, so this isn't a poem, and it isn't about...
What's good for the goose (is good for the...
if we take a good look before we slander...
Be grateful for the things though little
God has done for you...
I've placed food upon plates
over a tasteful conversation...
Thanksgiving is here
blessings are on the table...
Long last living we deny,
we live in the moment but too bad it will fly...
If it's one thing that I am
it's that I am grateful...
Oh, Mayflower, dear Mayflower so strong and so...
From England you shipped them safe, pilgrims and...
Everyone haws something they're thankful for, even...
I am so thankful for many things, the amzement and...
Thanksgiving Thanks
I am thankful for my friends and family...