By Sammie George Ndlovu...
Pending Dues
Walking on a street thinking about life...
Thanksgiving at 5 in the morning,
Rosaura leaves for her pairing...
Barren winter enraptures the brave men,
who embrace the New World in courageous pride...
Europe was my home,
My special little dome...
Life is a circle of ups and downs
Happiness and pain, smiles and frowns...
I know that I have so much to be thankful for
But all that I wanted was to see you...
My pain drips with tears
Thinking of the past hundred years...
We stride into the
luxurious hotel restaurant...
Thankful for being in this life
Having awesome friends...
It seems as long as man has been living
There has been traditional thanksgiving...
Just thankful for everything
I am thankful to have my dad, for he was there...