complain about rude comments

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    ahhh, yes! thank you for this too, Janis! Great idea!

  • Amilo
    20 years ago

    what about the praise? I clicked that for a good comment just to see what happens, and it said it was reported... what happens next?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    Janis may be going to go ahead with his plan from awhile back to have a "best critic" award of some kind... so by "praising" a comment, you are telling Janis that you thought that was a good comment

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    I was more under the impression that that phrase meant don't send comments that you just plain don't like...only send comments which truely need to be deleted, but I'm not sure...

    So now I'm curious too...

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I think it would be a case by case basis. Some off topic comments (like political things and stuff) would probably be considered harassing.

    one thing I was wondering about was duplicate comments. I have one poem that someone wrote the same comment 5 or 6 times... I've seen many doubled comments happen accidentally...but 5 or 6? Would it be ok to delete the duplicates, Janis?

  • Sinister Soire
    20 years ago

    i like the idea of being able to have rude comments removed, though i have had none yet myself. i like the improjments janis has made. keep it up

  • Mustardhart
    19 years ago

    Janis, thats a great intro. Some of my friends were left crying by some rude and unpleasant comments. With the introduction of that feature, i believe the number of bad commentators. Well, once again, thank you so much for making this site enviable.

  • Casey
    19 years ago

    what happens after we push "complain"?