How many people cut themselves and would really like to stop but

  • xRachelx
    19 years ago

    Im just intersetsed cause I would really like to stop but I cant cause Im sorta addicted :S Is it just me or do other people feel like this too?

  • Krystle
    19 years ago

    You're not alone. I feel exactly the same way...and although its been about three weeks since I last cut, I still feel that addicting need to do it...its horrible. You're totally not alone.

  • Nici
    19 years ago

    Cutting is just as addictive as other things like drinking and smoking.

    You are not alone in thinking that it is hard to quit. However if you really want to stop there are ways of going about doing just that.

    Talk to people you know and can trust, they may have some ideas and will be able to support you through things.

    If you feel there is no-one you can talk to look for something else to fill your time with. You could join some local clubs, pick up some new hobbies, or just go out more with your friends.

    If you fill up all your spare time doing other things you won't have time to be cutting yourself up.


  • xRachelx
    19 years ago

    Thanks for the advise, especially vix she really made a point!

  • Samantha Mae
    19 years ago

    for me it took my boyfriend getting upset with me about it and making me prmise not to do it again and i havent since i havent had a reason too because he makes me so happy and i know that my cutting hurts him jsut as much as it hurts me and he helped me to realize that tehre really isnt a point to cutting all it does is help for a little while and sometimes thats not enough so instead of cutting try talking to someone a friend neighbor or your school counsler trust me talking about your problems makes them go away a lot faster than cuttin does

    emial me if you ever meer to talk

  • mydearestsuicide
    19 years ago

    youre definatly not alone if yall need to talk im here ...ive went thru starting and quiting 3 times. email me at