Do you ever

  • Dark Demise
    16 years ago

    Think of somthing, A title of a poem or a awesome line, that you are actually 100% satisfied with, then right when your about to write it down you forget it...
    Just happend to me... Not fun...

  • JEFF
    16 years ago

    Happens to me all the time, it sucks. :)

  • homebound
    16 years ago

    I think i've done that with all my poems but one day you will right a WHOLE poem you are 100% satisfied with that overcomes all those times you forgot that one line.

  • Jenni Marie
    16 years ago

    Yes, all the time. Drives me insane

  • Pete
    16 years ago

    Aha, it used to happen to me alllllll the time! It's infuriating to say the very least. Now I carry a pen in my wallet and a small pad in both my coat and breifcase. My stupid brain's never getting one up on me again!

  • noha
    16 years ago

    It happened to me too sometimes i have all the poem in my head and forgot how to arrange the words again and its normal i think lol

  • mysterious
    16 years ago always happens to me. some say it's caused by stress and when you've got alot on your mind

  • azii
    16 years ago

    Yeehh. it sucks. it makes me wanna tear something. or break something.just destroy something

  • XxBR0K3NxX
    16 years ago


  • Lonely Rider
    16 years ago

    It mostly happens wen i get a good idea to write abt... and den wen i try to remeber it.. its gone.... so frustrating...

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    I thought of some awesome lines but as I was going to sleep i so shouldve gotten out of bed and wrote it down coz i forgot.
    yeah its a major bummer.


  • Silent Voice and Tender Heart
    16 years ago

    Heavens this happens alot which is why I have taken to trying to keep a piece of paper and pen around. Not that it matters because if I get distracted, tada I forget it.

  • David ODonnell
    16 years ago

    I think of most of my poems when I am outside walking around where there are not a pen or paper in sight which is why I write it down in my phone as text message and store it.

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    Omg that happens to me ALL THE TIME! lol i hate it

  • My Mistakes
    16 years ago

    This has happened to me pleanty of times. it is sooo fusterating i hate it

  • real eyes realize real lies
    16 years ago

    I hate when that happens and i beat myself up for it, cuz like some times what i was thinking of might be really important.....but yeah............

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    Hah yea I always try to aviod that from happening to me!!

  • Chris
    16 years ago

    Happens all the time to me. but i don't usually stress about it cuz i usually get another idea soon after and i do what i can to mold that to an awesome idea.

    16 years ago

    Oh yea happens all the time so i always stop wht
    im doing and write as so as possible dREAMS
    ARE ANOTHER ONE i try to write my dreams down befor i forget them

  • Blueleo
    16 years ago

    Lol, it happens to everyone. It's human nature. Not just with lines or titles. I sometimes forget to wear clothes even. I forget I have a family sometimes. I forget birthdays and funerals and weddings and more. It's not that I don't care, but my brain is constantly thinking that other thoughts are pushed a side to give room for other thoughts. Chances are you didn't forget, you just had something more important to think about.

  • David
    16 years ago

    I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for a poem, turn on a light and sit down to write down a few key words and they are all gone.... infuriating!


  • Grant Gilbert AKA Slash
    16 years ago

    Nev er happened but i wrote a whole poem the other day and saved it and my bloody computer swallowed it its still gone , i had to rewrite it , of course its not the same now

  • Invited
    16 years ago

    It happens to me all the time- but 'everything happens for a reason' and you mght later even think of a better one.

  • ImmortalKitty
    16 years ago

    It seems to me, Get just get too busy with life that when inspiration comes, we are not prepared for the words. I keep a note pad and pen with me all the time

  • Wolf Haines
    16 years ago

    Happens to most people. I usually write down lines on my phone in saved messages and then write them down properly. That way i am free to think where ever i am.

  • Ray Smallshaw
    16 years ago

    Great idea using you MOB I carry a small notebook and pencil and if I have a sudden thought or idea write a quick outline or keyword that usually suffices to jog my memory when I get the chance to sit and compose them usually on my PC or laptop.

  • shenoa
    16 years ago

    Yes, happens to me all the time. And not only that I also have had a problem with haveing a great line, that is the only good moment in my poem. I ultimently will probably throw it out. Sucks.

  • Nee
    16 years ago

    Yeah been there before
    it just kills =S

  • topoke
    16 years ago

    Yes, done it many times mostly at work..........

  • RussianRendezvous
    16 years ago

    Hahaha not that often.

    what happens with sucks worse. Some of my lines are so cryptic and abstract that I'll go back and read them a month or so later and find I cant really remember what I meant when I wrote them : b

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    16 years ago

    My phone has a voice recorder on it, and if something comes into my head I stick it straight on there. I've had some very strange looks in public, doing this.