
  • Kevin Chow
    16 years ago

    Hey, I was reading this poem today and found it pretty interesting. I was wondering what are your thoughts, analyze, meaning of this poem?

    On My Son’s Seventeenth Birthday

    Over there,
    by seventeen,
    if so lucky to have survived till then,
    he has planted enough body parts
    to grow a family
    to populate his village again
    to recall a history
    to trace a genealogy back to the root

    but the problem is
    body parts make for bad memories,
    ad seeds and bad blood.

    Over here, being seventeen is a divine right
    To feel carefree and immortal,
    And a excuse for a shopping spree

    But the problem is
    The price of shopping
    Is a numbness of the other’s misery.

    Over there,
    By seventeen,
    If s lucky to have survived till then,
    He has an “Ism” and a gun
    And desire for someone to shoot at

    For someone to make a killing
    Someone must die

    Over here,
    At seventeen,
    He has shopping bags waiting
    To be filled with goods
    By seventeen-year-olds
    Who has sown body parts

    But the problems,
    In the changing room, when they come face to face,
    They see each other
    Not in mirrors
    But in cross-hairs