why does it hurt losing an animal nearly as much as a person

  • ~DarkAngel~
    19 years ago

    well see somtimes animals seem to understand us humans more than we can understand ourselves thus bonding two together a great deal and also i bet she was a great friend to you and when you have a friend who is always there and always understands you get really close and when you lose that friend it hurts alot i mean when i lost my cat Charley i cried for a whole day and then when we had to give my puppy lucky away i felt like the world hated me but dont worry you wil get over it just try writing about her maybe that will help


  • †Rachel†
    19 years ago

    animals are usually the only ones ypou can trust... just stay strong... xx

  • ShadowedPhoenix
    19 years ago

    Hey I know how you hurting, i lost 2 dogs in 2 days! Sometimes we love them so much because they never hurt us or make us feel worthless! You can trust them and they love you unconditionally and they understand all our pain! I think most of us expect them to be there forever but when they aren't life becomes hazy and confusing! What's wrong with her???
    It's gonna hurt for a long time but try writing her a letter or telling her how you feel and Cry your heart out i always feel better afterwards! If you need to talk
    God bless!!!