The mighty ninja's of the night

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Mwahaha, my first club! message me if you wanna join. word

    Nick - {ultimate ninja master version 13.0}
    Bailey - {nonstop random ninja}
    Kayla - {madly skilled like-no-other ninja}
    Kris - {car destroying ninja of the night}
    Alice - {super fire ninja}

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    My boyfriend believes I have super secret ninja skills... XD
    So, totally sign me up!

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    I want to join too if you needs proof that kayla coco and I are ninjas check out what we have done to chris's car lol

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Hehe that was great . XD oh the window incident hehe

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Ok the mental image of a pengiun jumping through a window with deviled eggs aging "never fear the penguinator is here" is really funny okay. Just ask jess. It made my day. LOL it made my friend stacey your fan forever evn though she has yet to meet you.

    Hehe all the original pranksters are here

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    I know =D It's sooooo perfect!!
    But yes... Chris' poor poor car.
    We're soo mean to it!
    I mean...
    Them darn pranksters are so mean to it O.o

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Lol that's what I pictured too jess. Then I pictured her doing a ninja roll to save herself.

    But kayla last time the pranksters attacked we
    did a good job of cheering chris up.

    *hi5s kayla*

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Was I there for that one? =O
    I don't really remember..
    BUT!! BUT!!
    I remember Coco walking to the car in broad daylight.
    That was soooooooooooooo perfect!!!!

    Hahaha, we sure as hell did! XD
    *Hi5's Kris*
    That's just cause we're sooo awesome!

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    I think I did a roll to the car XD
    Or...... like...
    I ran screaming to it.
    I don't remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But yeah, it was totally unexpecting..
    And it made me bust out laughing.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Next time coco...or now if he doesn't wake up soon...

    Lol it was hilarious. XD

    Oh coco we never finished our attack on mike lol

    Kayla you ran and attack his house with your spoon and bit it before we left

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Yea and we had even snuck up on him with our hand signals and everything

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    OMG =O !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I totally remember that now!
    It didn't taste very good =/ So I don't recommend eatting his house.. or his car.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    LOL yea that made your tongue burn lol

    Hehe I got a nickname. XD

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Holah peeps

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Oh yes... the tongue burning >.<
    I didn't like that at all.
    It was like... acid!! Gah!

    XD !!!!!!!!!!!
    Hola, Nickie!

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Sorry, computer freakeded out

    anywho i will have to leave at like 4: 50 or so
    i gots el band practice
    and not the concert band
    an actual, amazing band.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Lol yea coco we have to hunt him down again sometime.

    So don't lick it again kayla

    Oh look nick is back.

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Good luck with your band, Nickie!
    I used to date a guy in a band O.o
    Two actually!

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Of course. and if jake or them says no, well screw them

    *windmill kicks the wall in the face*

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    You see the labels on the top? well when you message someone saying you wanna join they add you up there and give you a title

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    I will call you, dont worry. i will eat anyone who says i shouldnt. after eating them theyll shall go through my digestive system. mwahaha

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Or coco could bite them. Chris still has a trianglular shaped chunk missing from his arm...

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    That would be scary like no other. haha. and totally hard to follow

    *windmill kicks wall again, wall falls down to reveal a little town of jockeys living in fiber glass trees*


  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Wow. we just like totally switched spots. haha

  • Kayla
    16 years ago



  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Lol he says he does XD

    And i had to put penguin bandaids on because of you XP

  • IchixXxCrushing
    16 years ago

    I totaly wanna join!!!!!!!! I am so ninja!!!!!!!!!!!