I Messed Up =[

  • The Invisible Boy
    16 years ago


    I'm at uni, made friends with this really cool girl on facebook, she added me around November last year and we only started talking properly this semester, as of about late January. After a few weeks I've realised I like her a lot and we'd talk on the phone a lot, last week we went to town, ended up linking arms and hugging a lot. Thing's seemed to be okay, she also knew I like her more than a friend because I'd sent her a Valentine's.

    Then I really messed up, on Saturday I got really really drunk and phoned her and I haven't a clue what I said, I looked over some texts I sent and they had stuff asking her if she liked me and I said I love her in them.

    I apologised on Sunday, in the morning and then again later in the day when I'd discovered the texts in my outbox. It made me wonder what I'd said on the phone too.

    I said sorry again tonight as things haven't seemed all normal between us and told her how bad I feel, to the point where I actually do hate myself for it.

    She said things got a bit strange and she got annoyed but they'll be back to normal.

    But I dunno why things got strange or why she got annoyed, I dunno if I said something which did it, whether it was the texts or whether it was how drunk I got, because I ended up falling asleep on a bench for a while that night by myself.

    She did say on sunday morning good when i said sorry and she said it's dangerous to get that drunk.

    I just can't believe how stupid I was, if I could turn back time I would have thrown my phone on the floor and smashed it rather than do what I did. If things never go back to how they were I'll never forgive myself.

    Oh well, it's my fault, I can't blame anyone else but myself, it just kills me to think things might never go back to how they were because of my stupidity.

    What advice would anyone give me please?
    Taking into consideration that I have already apologised loads of times and I don't want to over-apologise and I don't know what got strange or annoyed her.

    Oh I'm such an idiot!

  • X Kashies Misery X
    16 years ago

    Maybe the fact that you are the person that gets drunk....for no particualr reason offended her? and the fact that you rang her?? ....idk, i mean thats not so bad,,,, ok it is..but she probably just feels threatened that you rang her in the condition u were at.....ild be peeved off to, but it will probably wear away in a bit.

  • The Invisible Boy
    16 years ago

    That's the thing though, we've rang each other before when we've been drunk, had a laugh and stuff. But Saturday seems to have been weird, I do remember that she was out too, at a club with her mates and I dunno if I said anything like I hope she wasn't dancing with any guys or something, that's all I can think of really that I might have said but it's not that offensive.

  • X Kashies Misery X
    16 years ago

    [your in university;; so party it up.] ??????


    yeah mayb she did something she wasnt to proud of, that is a possibility.....perhaps she is just having a mood where she isnt really the same to anyone?? .....look if she says its ok, it will be ok in a little bit or what ever she said...THEN IT WILL...dont stress or fret over it you no, you got drunk big deal, u did some stuff u regret, it happens move on.......just let her no u didnt no what u did if u did anything that offended her...but just be urself and be how u always act to her you no, just dont let all of this ruin ur relationship with her if there isnt a use for it....it will be fine stop stressing and pondering over it.

  • The Queen of Spades
    16 years ago

    Ok...I'm going to say 85-90% of college students make some sort of stupid mistake when they are drunk or have that "one drunken night." Mine was particularly bad, where I got ridiculously drunk on a beach in SF and tried to kiss the guy I liked in front of my and his friends. I don't remember a lot, but I remember he was irritated with me. The night culminated in me throwing up many times on the grass by the side of a bus stop and having a hobo give me a stuffed dog named Oscar to rest my head on (I don't remember this part at all, I was told this by many of my friends).

    Anyways, it sucked, but I had good friends who stuck by me and knew I'd do the same for them. Stuff happens. Suck it up and move on. If she's going to hold this against you forever, then she was lame to begin with. More likely though, you guys will pull through it. Just LEARN from the experience, thats the most important thing.

  • The Invisible Boy
    16 years ago

    Thanks for all the advice, I found out why!

    Apparently I phoned her and said I was lost, which was probably just as I woke up so I didn't know where I was, and I said to her don't leave me. She told me to get a taxi or something. And what I would have probably meant by the don't leave me was as in the nice way, when someone is leaving and you say no don't leave me as in I don't want you to go but you know they are anyway. She said she was trying to have a night out but I checked the call and it was only 4 minutes long so it's not like I was on all night. And I have stood outside a pub for half an hour one night talking to her in the cold while my mates were inside drinking.

    I just can't believe it was that really, I thought I'd said something absolutely terrible and she says it's because I rang her when she was trying to have a night out with her mates, and it was only for 4 minutes! And she's not been normal with me for about 4 days now, it'll be 5 tomorrow, I don't think she'll ever really be normal with me again to be honest, I just can't believe it is over that.

    Oh well...

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    Hope things are better now
    u can pm me netime if u need 2 chat