The mighty ninjas of the night [3]

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Gone too long without the drugs? O.o
    LOL!! Just kidding..

    And it's no problem =D

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    That really sucks.... holy crap

    i have a mini brick phone

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Omg!! Meeps!! =O
    How did you manage to do that?!?
    I gots a pink razor.
    And I totally pimped it out!
    So it's all smexifull.

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Haha. i would. but my parents would kill me. but my phone is invincible. i dropeed it in a lake like almost a year ago, and have not had any problems with it.

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Ah jeeze. that would suck. my phones not a flip fone, so i dont think it would break if i sat on it. i think i might break if i did. haha. and the fone cost like 10 freakin bucks. not even kidding.

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    I want your phone too..
    That's friggin awesome!
    I've had a lot of problems with my phone.
    1st the screen went out, so I had to get a new one.. and then the battery screwed up, so I had to get a new one of those as well. lol.

    Hahaha, that's horrible hun!!
    And that's why I always keep my phone in my front pocket =)

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Most people arent. haha.

    i wonder where my ladyfriend went too?

  • Nick
    16 years ago

    Time to make a new one