What attracts you to the opposite Gender?

  • Natalie
    16 years ago

    Definately personality! Looks fade. A real life Mr. Darcy would suffice! lmaoooo

  • Alex D
    16 years ago

    We have some shallow people on this site, I see lol. I go for girls who are confident, funny, self-aware. As far as looks go, I want a pretty face because that's what I get to look at for 98% of the time. I don't care about big boobs or firm butts or whatever. As long as a girl takes care of herself.

  • Unamed
    16 years ago

    Aww ...tht's really sweet sweet for alex to say..a guy like that is hard to find.....a lot of guys are like *girls have to have big boobs* and stuff....that is really shallow as he said..i just want a great personality, smile, eyes and great sence of humoe..... ;)

  • omgitsmina
    16 years ago

    Basically, everything that is my boyfriend.


  • Ixora
    16 years ago

    I love the tall dark & handsome




    oOo tattos && nipple rings <-- i loooove nipple rings ((im actually thinking about getting some after breaking up with my ex))

    and long hair...i loooove it *sigh*

    humours a plus & being comfortable

    ...i guess i just like the opposite sex : P

  • Syndicate
    16 years ago

    It's all in the hair ;D

  • Sarah
    16 years ago

    Na, its the smile lol

  • Stephanie Naylor
    16 years ago

    Um EVERYTHING, but y cant it be wat attracts u to the SAME gender, not all people are straight :)

  • Lethmelodis
    16 years ago

    Eyes and Voice.

    Im a sucker for some eyes and talking lol

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    16 years ago

    Eyes, personality, height

    eyes cuz its the 1st thing i notice

    personality cuz it determines what kind of things they do or are into and what they are like.

    height cuz if he's tall im ganna go "Damn!" and smile cuz i like tall guys ;D

  • adriaan
    16 years ago

    Eyes (has to be brown or black)
    Hair (hate short haired girls and pigtails)
    Height (midgets pretty much suck)
    Oh and they have to be skinny. And be elves. Also, wings will help.

  • Frozen hearT
    16 years ago

    The lips.......
    i like thick juicy lips.........
    like angelina joile......
    she's hot

  • ADreamToMyNightmare
    16 years ago

    The way he looks at me with his eyes.
    His sense of humor.
    His personality.

    oh and something about the way a guy smells...i love the way some guys smell (cologne is a big + in my book) is sooooo hot!

  • NinjaGirl
    16 years ago

    Hair, personality, smile. but i know who i lve already so.... yeah ;p

  • ForsakenBeautyXx
    16 years ago

    Eyes [the story they tell] hands [how they hold me] and of course...how loud he makes me laugh :]

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    I like someone whos confident...romantic...and very VERY sweet :)

  • Michaela T
    16 years ago

    I am easily attracted... But it takes time for me to feel something about that person....

  • ABake
    16 years ago

    Hmm. We have to have a connection. Somehow.
    Should be athletic, some way. Smart. Funny. Cute and muscular. Hair color and all that doesn't really matter. But I love my boyfriend the way he is now :]

  • LuvLyLynn
    16 years ago

    The personality most for me, smile and the eyes...oh and idk but also i love it when a guy has scars...idk that's just me...lol...