~*Interested In Conversation part II*~

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    hi guys! sorry to butt in! i kept up with your last thread and have read most of your poems as well! ive also tried to write some poems as well i expect mine arent even on the same level but i still put alot of feeling into them and some of them are actually doing quite well to my suprise!

    heres bit bout myself: my names hayley (obviously lol) im 19 and im from united kindom (england). i work as a marketing manager of a small telecanvassing department in my home town. I dont have a boyfriend at the moment, i did start to really like this guy and we got close but he left on monday to fight in iraq cos hes in the paras! so there you go theres a bit bout me!

    where r u guys all from? hayleyxx

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    thanx yikyak! your honeymoon sounds like its going to be brilliant! your so lucky to have met the man of your dreams, i seem to go from loser to loser and if i do find someone sweet they often move away or some other hurdle jumps up! i dream of living in america and hopefully one day ill get the chance to make a dream reality! where i live is very beautiful a small coastal town which fantastic beaches but have always wanted to experience usa! it seems so strange your making dinner there its like 11.30pm here! chat soon hayley xx

  • AI
    21 years ago

    errr, as much as I want to play your childish games Brittany. A dork??? Do you know what that is? A whales willy. LOL and I am certainly not that. Ok enough talk about that.

    Ok thanks for taking another look at my depression poem and telling me up front that I am now in Josh's shoes and as he puts it ‘the target of ridicule”. And about you saying the worst thing, i couldn't care less. I'm not going to do anything about it, come on, I said that about my own work, not only that I actually meant it when I said it.

    And yes I do care about you, if everyone keeps leaving like this, there will be no one left. :(

    And Jackie, ok ok, maybe you didn’t call me an idiot, that’s good to hear :D. I have another friend. I think :S. Damn it I hate when Quan lies to me :@ grrr.

    Hey Josh, I’m glad you chose to stay. I’m sure everyone can agree with me on that. As for that eminem thing. Strangely for some reason I was going to do that, when I actually leave the forum for longer then 2 days. lol. And not being a fan, I don’t even know the lyrics thus far. lol, But now that you’ve done, you’ve save me some time. :P

    As for everyone else I left out. hahahaha.
    take care


  • Lady Lo
    21 years ago

    Hey Guys:

    I'm letting myself in on this as well. I have read almost everyone here about their work, you guys all put a lot of effort in it. Everyone here are the bomb, great conversations, to a whole way of saying "Hello"

    I kept up with most of your works, some I've complimented them, most I just read, cause I don't really have much time to write anything.

    I finally found myself a new job, Vtech Security. Cool huh! It deals with the security around major business, computer works, and a whole lot more. Forming new programs, detecting variouses, access to home security, and more. Although my major is in Journalism, I find the need to explore knew things.

    Take Cares:
    Lady Lo

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hey guys..al o you...how are you????

    Well...i'm...i'm....i think i'm ok...i dunno...( my head is kinda spinning cuz o history!)

    anywayz.....hmmm....nice brittany..25 posts in a single day!!i think the partII is gonna break part I's record!lol....anyway...

    Well Jackie..yeah im doing my o'levels so thats probably equivalent to high school in the american system....perhaps....well...just let my exams finish on 17th..and then i'll present a proper portfolio of myself.....lol....

    And thanx Brittany for that dedication...i'm flattered!:D

    Hey guys...there's a very strange thing i noticed here...it was like evry1 officially declares that i want to be friendz with you etc.....i figure out i never said this cuz i always thought that friendship was something that comes naturally and you dont have to ask for it.....was i wrong??i always considered all of you guys to be my friendz....was i somehow mistaken???well if i WAS...then ok ill declare officially...DO YOU ALL WANNA BE MY FRIENDZ???PLZ??lol....

    AND hey QUan you didnt answer my questions!!

    anywayz guyz...hope ta c ya soon....i was thinking of starting a new interesting thread...but probably ill do that later....anywayz buh bye!!

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    hi guys! hope everyone is having good day! mine has been totally crap in everyway but oh well tomorro is a whole new day!
    thanx for your comments on my poems yikyak! hayleyxx

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Brittany-yeah brittany..this post is like SOARING! lol!....anyway howz ure school(or was that college?) going??hope ur enjoying yourself!

    AI-Hey AI i just noticed something....you're kai and ure AI...so what about k-AI ??lol

    Jackie-Hope you're feeling better jackie!!yeah life has its crests and troughs,its valleys and peaks,its days and nights....but YOU HAVE TO CARRY ON! and those who dont are trampled by life's stampede!

    Quan-yeah i said that at the age of 5 your poems were cool,after you posted that answer to brittany's post and said that you were 5!!:P


    Hayley-hey hayley....we havent been introduced have we???how are you??i hope you're thrivin!

    LAdy Lo-How do you do lady lo??i dunno..when i read your name"Lady lo",im reminded of something...but i dont know what??

    anyway guys....im so much stuck on to his post that i cant even stay away in my EXAMS!
    anyway...i just hope i do well...buh-bye!!

  • Lady Lo
    21 years ago

    Hey guys,

    Sorry for not chatting on with all yallz....Busy with my new job and all.....

    It's kind fun working for a huge ass corporation, shit did you guys know that the company that I work with sells a huge amount of hard drives..........Big bucks there....

    Plus there are programs that I could mess around with........Talk about your dream come true.

    Faaez- Thanks for your compliment, but the things that I see with my eyes are for the readers to get interest in it. It's called advertising your own work........I am an observant, some of the things that you guys read are sometimes what I feel if I was that person. Some are real issues. Now that I started with my new job, I don't have much time to observe other people's work. I am currently designing a web-site for the place where I work....

    Until then Laterz........Peace............

  • David
    21 years ago

    Can all you wonderful poets go take my challenge please. =p pretty please. :)
    Im just looking for something fun and poetic to do for us. :)
    go to:

    "All Poets Poem Link" (Appl) Contest for authors.
    Go enter it at: Poetry websites and Contest.

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    ive posted a couple of new poems on the site now guys- would love if youd take a look if you have any free time! i hope you have all had a good weekend mine has been slightly mad! hayleyx

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey all, how has it been? I'm still good? I'm not going to be doing much from now till christmas day. So might be more active. Well something only time can reveal.

    Brittany- How are you? All is good I hope. Still sitting your exams or have they all finished now? I don't know what to say. I've lost track of you, I don't know what going on in your life right now.

    Quan- :P I'll email you whenever. lol

    YikYak- Not wanting to talk to me huh? well I guess you have rights to that. And about that David Velazquez Poetry thing. I'll think I'll sit this one out aswell. Oh yeah, i'll anwser your question if it means that much to you. No, I am not writing a poem on my experience. Why? You might ask... Because I don't write poetry anymore.

    Faaez- When you said you noticed something, was that the K-AI thing, or did you just find out my name was Kai?

    Josh- :P (just said that so we don't get another posting saying your name never at the begining of a paragraph). lol

    All the new people I don't know anything about- Hey hope to get to talk someday.


  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hows all my buddies lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    buddies? o.O

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    oh oh did i say something wrong? AI

  • AI
    21 years ago

    no not to my knowledge. lol, did you say something wrong?

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    No i thought that the way you said buddies?o.O.....that you were not to happy with me saying it lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    You're welcome Brittany. lol.

    Everything is great, no more moving around like a tourist till after christmas. lol. So till then I'm just lounging around. Making the most of this quiet time and peace.


  • Sammy McGill
    21 years ago

    i noticed alot of ppl here and i was hoping some o you would welcome me cuz i'm kinda new. so plz check out my work and let me kno what u think

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey all, what have you all got plan this christmas?

    Quan, how long do YOu intend to stick your tongue out?

    hey YikYak, are you ignoring me?

    I think there really nothing left to talk about on this site? -

  • AI
    21 years ago

    now why r u leaving? Goodbye again. lol

    by the way, you forgot BRITTANY and FAAEZ, and that all the people i know i this site. with a few included extras. lol

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    josh- shame we never got to chat liked your poems alot! see ya later tho! xxx

  • AI
    21 years ago

    YikYak, Yes i've been around :D. Only because the weathers too cold and i don't want to travel all that much now, but it's not costing me anything now, I'm at home using normal in home internet. Before i was using a satelite connection because it was mobile that allowed me to gain access to my emails etc but for a high price. But that doesn't matter, i got plenty of money to waste while i'm here. I've been using a lap top got both jap. and eng. characters on the keys, but i touch type reasonably well, so it doesn't matter all that much. No one reads my poems either, well not anymore, they're so old, i should post more or something. lol, as for David's poem thing, nah i like the idea of sitting out anyway i wouldn't know what to add on, the topic is so confusing. But yeah i do like the idea.

    Quan, take a deep breathe, now read my to you bloody hater's poem again, it will make you feel a whole lot better. lol.

    Brittany, =D. Why is Quan writing you a poem? You write at a whole new playing field to him.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Anyone online? ...

    Ow well. just to let you all know. lol, i'm writing a new poem. i'm writing it online as well, so if you check it out you might see new verses added to it every now and then. So far i got 2 votes. lol don't know by who buts its funny. first person voted 2 before there was anything written. The second vote took it up to 3.5 and that was sometime around when i starting writing the first verse and when i press submit. lol.

    If your wondering how i am, i'm really bored. ow and bloods gushing out of my head as i type. lol ok its not that funny, i hit my head on a the corner of a very low over hanging cupboard (whatever they're called) :(, it hurts.

    Quan, form the big LOL, i take it you took my advice and feeling much better now right.

    Well i have to get myself another damp cloth, cya

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Josh, what did you mean by this?

    "Hey, can I ask you a question, without making you upset?????"

    If you got something to ask me PM me. If you meant I give you the impression i'm pissed of everytime you ask me something. sorry :(, i have absolutely nothing against you, i just pick on you cause this sites a little boring at times and you were the first person to pick on me. :D. Something to do with first impression.

    YikYak, Hell no... i don't think your going to leave, you said so yourself you an internet junkie. lol, which means most of you life is online, therefore you would have to re-organise your entire life if you want to stay away from us. :P (did you vote for my new poem, its got 8 votes and its only been on for a few hours. If it keeps this up there going to be an eight liner poem with a lot of off topic remarks in top 5). LOL

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    guys put your handbags down!! lol
    can any of you guys help me im slightly confused(as always)! in another forum there is ppl talking bout being knights and there uniform and stuff! wots going on? i dont know if its cos im from england that i dont understand or if im just plain stupid?

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hayley, I'm not sure what thread your refering to, but i think it might be the one called "Thankyou all" posted by 'goldenknight'.

    If i'm right then, you shouldn't worry about it. Its a really old thread, they're just talking about their haloween costumes. goldenknight is obviously dressing up as a knight.

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    oh ok lol! its just hes called golden knight and he always says stuff like my swords always in service and then he was dressing up as 1! sorry having a blonde moment and im not even blonde! dont mean that to offend anyone! anyway im gonna go and remove my foot from my mouth! xx

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Hi everyone. Hope you are all keeping okay.

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    'lo evrybody.....howz evry1 doin out here??i hope all o you are well....
    ummm....well jackie(i think i shud call you yik yak now)nyway yik yak....my last exam would be on wednesday(moan...)....jus three left though....then Ill be FREE!!!HURRAY!!

    Josh Bunin-ummm....u seem quite hacked off at me...though i dont know what i did to offend you...anyway have it your own way...

    Quan,Brittany,AI,Lisa,Lady and all the others...hope you all are havin a gud time....Ok then see ya all on wednesday...until then buh bye!!(ohh...on to chemistry then :( ....)

    love ya,

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    By the way Brittany...im sorry i cuoldnt read your new poem.....the next time i log on,the furst thing ill do will be reading your poem...

    And hey AI...what i meant by that post was that you are AI and you are kai...and kai contains "AI"...k-AI....lol...just a loose comment thats all....heh....

    Quan-Whats up????HAvent heard much from you later......Hey quan....are you from japan??if yes...then what does "kyoto" mean??my friend wuz saying sumthing like that......but i dunno what it means.....

    Lisa-All right lisa??howz your mum now??i hope shez feeling well......

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey all, my new poem is doing great for a quarter finished poem. Got votes and comments even though i asked people not to. lol.

    Hi, Brittany. Glad you came back, even if for a little while. Well good luck in your exams still.

    Faaez, when you get back here on Wednesday. I know you asked Quan, but Kyoto doesn't mean anything to my knowledge, it’s the name of the first capital city before Tokyo became capital.

    YikYak, you’re busy again. Random question for future purposes, before Kelsey was potty trained, and you had to change her diapers. lol, how did you know what to do? Or does that just come natural? Obviously I have no idea. lol

    Quan, what did i tell you, doesn't makes sense and too long. :P.

    Lisa, I’m keeping well, are you? lol. Anyway like Faaez said how’s your mum? Is she any better? How are you? Sorry to hear about you cousin I think it was. Bad memory. I read your new poem too, I voted it 5, first person to vote. LOL, I was going comment too but recently I’ve been commenting really weird comments, that’s why I start putting happy faces on people poems. So I thought it was best I didn't comment this time. LOL

    Hayley, I still don't know you. But hey. lol

    scrolling up the list, I see a lot of my name but no one else so i guess that it. Take all


  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    My mum's okay AI and thanks for your condolences. Means a lot. Thanks for voting on my poem that means a lot to. Well i dunno what else to say ...sorry im not with it. See ya another time.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    ah, I take that back about reading your new poem, lol, you got another new poem. LOL I read 'time lost' before, well lets check out 'just a day'.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    I think you're are right Brittany. To get your poem noticed you must have a good title and I discovered the best title is, "Don't read!!!, (not a poem, yet). LOL. It's crazy... 18 votes 6 comments (i think 3 of them are mine though) in 3 days. thats 6 votes a day. :D. I'm sure i don't have no fans outside this forum, and all of you seem like your busy with you life obligations.

    Anyway how are you since yesterday. I'm all ALONE again. :'(. (all alone as in no one on the site. lol. Well catch you all later. *I'll let you fall to the ground for now. LOL. :P


    *AI is really bored

  • AI
    21 years ago

    AI remembers that he has to tell YikYak to check out his post in APPL and suggest she does something about his typo. AI laugh's out loud

    Sign AI

  • AI
    21 years ago

    write back if i'm onlin huh? humm how long ago did you post that. LOL, how but i log on icq for a few seconds. :P

    LOL, i guess you didn't get what i meant by good title, my poem is actually telling people not to read it. but everyone keep taking a peek anyway. Anyway a good start i don't know about that, but then the poem was really short a few days ago. like 4 lines. LOL. now its more like a poem though, i have to add 2 more verses a bit later. :D.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    AI has been left deserted and all alone to dwell in his overwhelming boredom. It has come to the point where he must chose whether or not, he wants to join the hate group and fight for/against this Katie bullshit that seemingly has no bounds. Laze around in this desolate forum which used to be filled with such laughter and compassion. Or do what is best and keep his head out of technology, the internet, and enjoy his holiday vacation, in which he may suffer frostbite or hypothermia. AI says “damn it cold” then laugh’s out loud. After a great deal of consideration, mathematical calculations and scientific induction, he now feels it's best to copy you nice people and take a leave of absence from this community which has for reason, well known, been overrun by that major hate syndicate (mentioned above). AI laugh’s out loud again. As for AI’s poem, well you are going to have to wait. :P

    AI apologises for the long senteces, too lazy to shorten and correct stuff.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Still alone i am. :P lol.

    Well i was reading some famous poems, and i decided to write something just for some short lived joy. hope you like it.

    AI was admiring poems, well known.
    Written by authors, to today’s kids unknown.
    Feeling each emotions and amazed with their words,
    Reading more and more, making sure none is left unheard.
    Curious to see in the comments what people write
    Eager AI was, to quickly douse this thirsty appetite.
    Though oddly what he reads, was most unexpected.
    For each and every author were so well respected,
    With comments such as ‘your talents I adore’
    your poem, beautiful, different, and I hope you write more.
    AI then question, “do any of these people know?”
    That these poets are long gone, buried far beneath the snow.
    Famous writers like Shakespeare, Burns, Vincent and Price
    Have long lived their time and have since been put on ice.
    That all the old talents so far back in time
    Can never again waken to write or share another rhyme.
    AI guess that some are stupid, and mumbles “you hope they write more”
    If a poem you want. Why the hell, do you think AI is here for? :P

    Sign AI

    *ok ok the poem isn't that good, but hey. not like i'm posting it :P. LOL

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany, are you meaning to tell me that you haven't had an exam yet... Don't worry, I’m sure you'll do fine in your exams, but I’ll wish you the best of luck anyway. :D, fingers crossed.

    I'm good, how are you? Besides tearing your hair out and stressing over the exams, not that you are doing that or anything ;).

    And this Thomas thing, I read that thread and left a comment a while back, I agree with you in everyway. I think someone hasn't got over the issue and made that account just to start shit. All we know, Thomas could also be Katie just starting shit with herself so she reside in other people pity. It’s possible but I highly don't think it’s the case. lol. Yeah the whole thing beginning to piss me off, I want to just tell everyone who is involved in this to shut the hell up and stop seeking attention, they claim they don't but they're still doing it. :S. well that's what I think. LOL I wish it would just blow over already.

    Humm, I didn't know you shorten words. “ur” I’m going to check this out, gives me something to do. :P


    *thank you for the little whatever it was about my "short live joy" I liked it too, not because it was a poem, or it was true, but because it brought some joy to me, well 10 minutes. lol, but hey, its better then having hours of continuous bordem. LOL

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Okay so how has everyone been? Yik Yak, Josh, AI, Faaez, Quan Chi, Brittany, Lady Lo, Golden Knight have i left anyone out.......if i have then im really really sorry. Hope you have all been keeping well and are all ready for christmas ehhh.