~*Interested In Conversation part II*~

  • AI
    20 years ago


  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Its like a ghost town in here lol.

  • AI
    20 years ago

    -Rolls and falls of the bed. Wakes up and gets back on pretending nothing happend and goes straight back to sleep-

  • AI
    20 years ago


  • AI
    20 years ago

    Hey Brittany, I was going to email you, but after writing in the subject title. I lost my train of thought, thus leaving me clueless and incapable of writing an email of great status. Anyway I am somewhat glad (AI is lying) to hear that you are taking Spanish dance lessons. And AI (AI referring to me) already knows you love us, because if you didn’t you wouldn’t have been signing love always Brittany at the end of every other post. [laugh’s out loud]. And this concludes today’s conversation with Brittany.

    -goes back to dreaming-

    *not that AI dreams when he sleeps

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    AI, you truly are crazy lol
    you sleep a lot dont you?
    im so bored hardly anyone posts anymore and it makes me sad! hayleyxx

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    oh and yik yak im slightly worried as yesterday you told me you were choosing bridesmaid dresses yet you forgot to ask my side?

  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    I get slightly caught up in reading everyone's messages rather than sending any of my own. I can't touch touch type but I do dream; had a great dream about running down stairs and dogs chasing me if I chose the wrong stairs.
    I can't say I've been doing much coz I've been applying for jobs. Got an interview tomorrow morning.
    I should really become a movie critic; Training Day is crap and Identity's not that much better.
    Super Noodles are loooooovely though (chicken and barbecue beef)

  • AI
    20 years ago

    -is all rested and begins to wake up-

  • AI
    20 years ago

    I wasn't serious when i said that thing about reading all your crap. TALK or i'll, umm leave. lol, Its so sad i couldn't come up with anything better then that.

    Ever heared that line "Ignore someone till they disappear", well... this silence has KILLED me. lol

    -drops dead-

    ps. AI will be resurrected sometime between now and account his expire date. lol

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    20 years ago

    'lo 'lo 'lo everybody.....
    well that question o yours....bout any new poem....well you see Ai...poetry is best written at stages you call "emotional climax"...right??you must know that(being THE ultra kool poet yourself :D).....and you know one experiences these mostly when thinking about someone special(everyone does right??)....likewise...most of the poems I write are about her or For her.....and i REALLY dont feel that i should be putting these poems,the extract of my emotiopns,on a website...see??they are SPECIALLy for THe one...and should remain like that...shouldnt they??and that is the reason ive posted only one love poem...and that even because it was meant for someone who didnt care...but anyway...thats another story.....i DONT KNOW what to write about./...any suggestions???any topic BUT love???

    hmmm....seeems like a looooong time since i posted.....and its REAAALLY nice to see that no one even noticed.....kewl....but its ok....really :D

  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    I noticed you hadn't posted for a while but I couldn't remember if it was you or Quan that had left. It's not like I asked anyone but there you go. I understand what you're saying with not posting many love poems. Some people, like youself, like to keep them personal. I've got one in my collection but that's only because I never like talking about myself. Is that strange??? I know there's another love poem up there but that was written for someone, all the others are funny (or try to be)
    I dont know what to write about either, but while everyone thinks of something other than love, tell me what to do with my 'soon-to-be-homeless cat.
    It's crying now and wont stop. It's not hungry, doesn't want to go out and won't let me stroke him. Short of putting a pillow to his head, I don't know what to do. Do not say go back in time and get a dog.
    Oh, by the way, the pillow is to try and get it to go to sleep. I'm sure that's what you all thought, K

  • AI
    20 years ago

    Once again I’m sitting here inhaling air with each breath
    I’ve been magically resurrected after one day of death
    Still watching this desolate forum, so empty and deserted
    I think its time this stupid poem of mine was inserted

    Mrs YikYak, don’t worry, I’m not asking for a kiss (lol)
    But could you do me this favor and answer me this?
    Just a pointless question made up in this moment of time
    But if a poems greatness is affected by its rhyme
    If my pronunciation was different or my accent was strong
    If your rhymes don’t rhyme would voting bad be wrong?
    Just keep in mind it’s only a hypothetical idea
    That I’m your greatest fan, even though I seem so insincere (lol)
    Mrs YikYak I know on this site you're someone of great power
    But I’ll break the poem posting in forum rule cause from you I don’t cower

    Lisa Reed, if you are still alive? How have you been?
    Posting of new thread from you, recently I have not seen
    Are you keeping yourself busy or is something wrong?
    Well hope you’re are all good, both healthy and strong
    If you remain in your silence to you I must warn
    Those Lisa o Lisa poems I wrote around Christmas will be reborn
    Though there is one question I want to add to your busy life
    What was your surname before you became Brian’s wife?

    Hello young Hayley, freakish distant twin sister of mine (lol)
    I’ve probably freaked you out now, but you get no time to unwind
    I’m glad you noticed but does the whole world need to know?
    Stating the obvious that I’m crazy is beyond a sadist low
    Don’t worry I’m only joking, so let’s restart with how are you?
    And I hope this year for you turns around and isn’t all blue
    I forgot to ask you but what do you do besides hanging with baby goats?
    Do you study or anything or just feed those kids meals of oats (lol)
    Well too late to wish a happy new year and too early for birthdays
    So I guess that is all and I hope you enjoy the rest of your days

    Hello dear Brittany, how has you’re Spanish dancing classes been?
    Are you a talented natural and making big dancing scenes?
    I don’t really know what else is happening with you today
    But I have a feeling that school is about on its way
    Well hope to talk soon, so please will you take care
    I would say break a leg but you’ll probably fall down the stairs

    Newbie Timothy R Snyder, I absolutely know nothing of you
    But I’m sure I will with time, so till then I bid you adieu
    eww how disturbing I can still remember that stupid song
    As if I remember the sounds of music, hope that gets erased before long

    I shouldn’t forget or leave out Faaez and Kevin, how are you both
    Though you guys are less then a memory, I assure to you guys, to you i don't loath
    And if you Alyssa or her boyfriend Matt by any chance are reading this
    I told you the word loath would come useful one day that it shouldn't be dismissed
    Pity I know the meaning but I don't know what context to use it in
    But hopefully I’ll get filled in by this here genius Faaez or stranger Kevin

    Now that the poem is written in all its shit and its crap
    I must bid you farewell and please don’t applause or clap
    For the noise will disrupt me from my counting of sheep’s
    Because right now I’m going right back to my precious sleep :P

    Sometime I wonder why I even bothered saying that droped poetry. lol I've started and finish more poems since i said my farewell. Not to forget how many all these stupid rhyme things i keep posting all over the site. Hope you find them all YikYak. lol. I'm sure Janis wants you to delete them.


    Ps. This is a stupid rhyme thing because its a stupid rhyme thing, by my definition its not really what i call a poem. lol

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    hehe! hey guys and girls!

    i tried to post yesterday but it wouldnt let me said something bout maximum capacity on this post, so maybe its time for someone to start a part 3 to this post. i thought bout doing it but feel like its not my place to as im just an intruder to this gang! so maybe someone who is meant to be here could lol!

    anyway i am fine, incase you were all wondering.
    I have gone from bordering suicide to just being happy lol! (i was never actually suicidal just kinda depressed!).
    i thinks its mainly down to what happened on new years eve its just made me stronger! it was in my local paper the other day so hopefully they will catch the bast**d! in the paper the headline was "toga teenager in mugging terror", which i found hugely embarrassing. i mean they could of put gorgeous or intelligent but they chose to describe me by my outfit! i hope your not all thinking i wear a toga everyday because ican assure it was a one off for new year!

    anyway how are the rest of you?
    and yes i realize i could prob talk for england but someones got to keep AI awake!

  • AI
    20 years ago

    Hello again. lol

    Hayley, why would it matter whether or not I was awake or asleep? Anyway, I should warn you. lol it's Chinese New Years Eve today. WATCH OUT. lol... I'm so mean. :(.

    Anyway I'm bored, I'm going to my website to annoy people. WHOAHAHAHA. lol

    One more thing Hayley, do you have a problem with the shift key? lol, I noticed you don't really use CAPITALS except for AI and the occasional I's well I'm in no position to talk, I don't either that’s what auto spell check on words does for me. lol.

    YikYak I forgot what I was going to say to you when i wrote the rhyme so, I'm off to annoy people. Talk to you later.

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    no no problem with my shift key AI! lol if theresa problem with me not using capitals i wont use them at all which will make you ai, and you will lack importance is that what you want??

    if you are not awake, i have no one to make fun of me being mugged! lol ilove it when you joke bout stuff like that, cos i hate ppl being overly sympathetic!

    i can imagine its quite easy for you to annoy ppl on your website or anywhere else for that matter! lol

    hey yik yak where you at?? ive missed you today, ifeel lost without you! how was the burger king yesterday?

    HaYLeY wiLLiAMs (just to show ai that my shift button is fine!)

  • AI
    20 years ago

    Hey Hayley, you're right ai does feel insignificant. lol but I’m going to assume you never read my post in the thread called 'people typing funny'. if you did your 'HaYLeY wiLLiAMs' doesn't proove anything. lol it probably make more sence if you read the thread but you don't have to read it.

    “As for alternating between capitals and lower case. Who really knows, I personally don't know anyone who does that that. Seems like a big waste of time. Its like the hardest thing to read and typing like that is so annoying. Maybe they just have screwed up keyboards and it automatically presses shift every few seconds. lol.”
    Posted by Author AI 20 december 2003
    Original source from: http://www.poems-and-quotes.com/discussion/topic.html?topic_id=1333

    Damn I miss reading those quotes and unquotes thing Quan does. lol but I'll take your word on your keyboard being perfectly fine. lol

    By the way do you really think I'm annoying. :( if you do i'll stop. lol, I'll leave you being mugged alone. I'm sure you don't want to relive those moments.

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago


  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Hey guys, big favour again from the lovable brit with too much spare time on her hands and who enjoys hanging with goats more than you could ever understand!
    You see i have just finished another poem, which ihave titled red shoes, i know this sounds like its gonna be crapbut its not, well i hope it not lol
    Some people have commented its a slightly weird subject that ihave chosen to write about and now im worried!
    So to cut a long story short, i was wondering if you guys could tell me if it is or not?

    Hey AI what you think about my new use for capitals!! Lol im loving it!
    I feel like for once i control the keyboard and it doesnt control me!

    By the way my poem is not about shoes but once you read you will see why i choose this name!

    Yik Yak where are you? ihave searched high and low and there is stillno word on me becoming bridesmaid, im getting worried!

    Kevin- thanks for your email and for your help!

    Right im going now cos i realise how sad it is to post twice in a row! ( no dig at you AI cos irealise you are normally asleep when you do it)

    See ya later slater! (Wow im getting hang of this capital lark) Hayley Duncan Williams

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    My middle name is not really Duncan!!

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago


    seems like the conversation topic is'nt as inhabited as i thought lately lol. So what can i say lol i have been busy, the reason being im moving house and im doing a lot of packing and stuff.....noooooooooo i hate it lol i'll be glad when its all over honest.

    So Kai how are ya buddy? your missed here cause you are'nt on as often. Hope that things are good with ya.

    Hayley, well i spoke to you breiefly in the room the other day and you were really sweet lol. Maybe we will get to talk a bit more next time ehhh. Its great having your little sis on board hehe.

    Kev, i dont get to talk to you much....but you always have the time to read my poems comment and vote....thank you so much i will have to send ya an email for being so nice hehe...that is if you dont mind lol. Hope things are good with you too.

    Jackie, im checking everyday to see if you have any new poems up hehe....im dying to see what your next one is.......you write amazingly honest i cant express that enough. Oh and i sent ya an email lol i hope you got it okay.

    Josh....Josh...awww he really went? I did'nt think he would.:-(

    Brittany, how are ya , i have'nt seen you much latelty...you okay? I hope it is.

    for any one i did'nt say hello to ...im saying it now and hope you all take care...........see ya soon.


  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    hayley, in case you read this first, I meant screwy as in f*!ked coz I didn't expect the suicide person to got to such extremes. I hope you understand what I mean, it's killing me trying to explain myself. I'll stick to the Queen's English in future, far less hassle that way.

    Hey Lisa, how are you? Hope the move's going/went well.

    And hello to everyone else, YikYak/Rachel, Brittany, Faaez

    P.S. maybe I'll write more often and become less of a stranger, eh AI? lol

  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    Thanks YikYak, it was pissing (sorry) me off that I had to leave the poem the way it was. I don't know how you managed to change it though, I eventually had to give up. Thanks again, K

  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    thanks YikYak, it really annoyed me that I had to leave the poem the way it was. I don't know how you managed to fix it, I eventually had to give up. Thank again, K

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Kevin - ok i got your point, you really worried me for a while cos i thought you meant it was a crap ending. I know that it is sad, but i based it on a story i heard a long time ago that as always stayed with me!

    Yikyak- Ive been thinking bout what i will do when you are on honeymoon and i dont think i will cope very well. The only thing ican think is that its best if i come with you and troy. I promise i will not kill the romance, i will just be in the background. So where are we going? lol hayleyxx
    (P.S Just because your plannig a wedding doesnt mean you have to abandon me!!)

    AI- Wakey wakey, i am missing my daily fix or wit, where are you? I expect a post today my friend!!! I have learnt how to use my keyboard and everything and you are not here to appreciate it!

    Josh- Hey amigo, why dont you just come back? There are always gonna be haters when you have ipinions, even i have haters but bothered! I dont care and neither should you!

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    20 years ago

    hey ya everybody...!!!how da yup dood???i wased perfectlied fined!!dood youed knowed thated id postinged herined aftered a whiled??
    Sorry sorry guys...thats enuff isnt it??Welled youd seed imed a littled offed my rockered!!

    Anyway....coming back to civil,human tongue and abandoning the super human dialect...hehe...hows everybody??

    Hayley-well yeah hayley...maybe you're right...bout that part III post BUT...i think this right is reserved by brittany...isnt it???btw...hows your job goin??

    Brittany-well...you read what hayley said...so how bout it??

    AI-hey ya ai buddied...hehe...well yeah bout your catty catty cat.....hmmm....sing him a lullaby perhaps??Anyway...well that poem was koooolllleeedd you know???why dont you post it??and that loath thingy....well "loath" is like your reluctant...like im "loath" to to this thing...and its "loathe" that means to hate..and its like a verb i think...so you say "i loathe this guy named faaez"

    Yikyak-FOR ONCE how many names do you have??you're jackie and youre yikyak and now kevin called you Rachel??

    Kevin-how're you kevin??you had some job interview right??how did it go??

    Byed the wayed guysed...did you know what a cognate is??
    Its the words with similar meanings,from different languages.....eg.its 'father' in english,'pater' in latin,'pitar' in sanskrit, 'piddar' in persian and 'pere' in french....

  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    Whoops, my mistake. I knew YikYak had another name and instead of checking what it was I just typed what I thought it was. I'm not sure I even know a rachel.
    The interview went well thanks, i'll find out at the end of the week if i get a callback.
    That was a very hard mssage to read, almost sent me cross-eyed

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Dont you hate it when just cos you get in top 5 ppl get really bitchy and give u like 1 for a poem you know deserves at least more then that! I am now officially throwing a paddy! (that doesnt mean im throwing an irish man around)

  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    tell me about it. I got a poem into the top five special events and then someone voted me down to 4.5 and I haven't seen it since. Well I was happy for a little while anyway.

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Its been a really good day for me poem wise, i know i was mad earlier but i did get over 90 votes and 30 comments in one day so im really happy. I havent written a poem before thats had that kind of effect so im so chuffed by everyones response! i commented over 100 poems to make up for it, even though they werent all from people who voted me! HAYLEYXX

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    20 years ago

    lo lo lo...

    Hayley...well hayley dear everyone goes through that....My poem...lolz...my "metamorphosis" poem was 5.0 at 13 votes and 4.2 at 16...lol...aint that funny..what actually happened was that some moron gave me a '1' so thats super-kewl!now it HAS recovered from that shock but still...it didnt remain in the top5 any more...but seriously hayley...dont care about these things...what actually matters was that your poem was good and it was appreciated by those who really value talent...its just because of a stupid idiot that that thing happened...so dont even give a damn about it...CHEER UP!!you know what i did??i wrote a big "no votes-only comments" in the topic of my poem...so that my poem's not insulted at least...and it worked!

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    bleh bleh bleh!

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Where have all the cowboys gone?? Where is AI? I have starting using capitals and he isnot even here to see it, sniff sniff! I miss him like crazy, i want my baby back! WHERE R U AI?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Hey any1 up 4 checking my new poem? Its called Amy's Hell! Has anyone found Kai yet?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Hi all , and i mean eveeryone hehe, im not gonna mention names cause i know i seem to forget someone when i do lol. How are all you guy's, i hope that things are going great for you all.:-).
    Well im still having bother with my move to the new house lol, but hey is life ever straight forward? NO lol. I always like a challenge so i guess im not letting it get me down. Well let me know how you guy's are.


  • AI
    20 years ago

    Hello what did I miss?

    Hayley, nice to see you know what the shift keys does. lol, as for my absense if you must know its called, super 5 day hung over from the new year party. lol. no chance i was going to post in here. lol

    YikYak, you sure reply real fast to your poems comments, what are you a cyborg, you're not like connected to you poems comments somehow are you? And you didn't even answer my question, what a waste of time that rhyme was. lol

    Brittany, Boo, for the next time you come on.

    Lisa, faaez, kevin, and others, umm, talk to you tomorrow.



  • AI
    20 years ago

    I'm making a double post cause I'm bored. lol

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Jesus christ superstar is my friend!

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    AI is a fallen soul, we must help him b4 it is too late!

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago