A good joke

  • Brandon Lee
    16 years ago

    Anyone know any good jokes?

    Two polar bears are sitting on an iceberg one day -- Daddy Polar Bear and Baby Polar Bear. Baby Polar Bear says, "Dad, am I a polar bear?" His dad says, "Yes, son, you are."

    Baby Polar Bear asks, "And are YOU a polar bear?" to which his father replies, "Yes, I am."

    "Is MOM a polar bear?" asks Baby Polar Bear. "Why yes, she is," says Dad.

    The baby asks, "Are there any other bears in our family who might be some other kind of bear?" Daddy Polar Bear says, "Well, no, son, as far as I know it's all polar bears in our family. Why do you ask?"

    "Because I'm freakin' COLD!"

    I love comedy and jokes so if anyone has any good ones, I would like to hear... or rather read them. hehe O.o

  • Perfection
    16 years ago

    Heck yeah jokes ftw!!!!

    A bear and a rabbit are taking a dump together..
    Suddenly the bear asks "Hey rabbit do you have trouble with shit sticking to your furr?"
    And the rabbit says "Well no I dont think I do"
    And so the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit....

  • Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden
    16 years ago

    Ha that's terrible! :D

    Why can't dinosaurs talk?

    Because they're all dead!!!

    Speaking of dinosaurs....

    What do you call a dinosaur that walks into water?

    A wet dinosaur.

    I know they're so bad. :D That's why I love them. They're so obvious.

    Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away?

    Well it does if you throw the apple hard enough.

    George W. Bush was out walking when he saw Moses.

    "Hey, Moses! STOP!!" he yelled. But Moses walked on, ignoring him. After a few blocks, Bush caught up with him. "Moses, why didn't you stop and talk to me?" asked Bush. "Well,"

    Moses replied, "the last time I talked to a bush, I wandered the desert for 40 years."

  • Unamed
    16 years ago

    I know one!.....

    there were 3 men in a deserted island.
    and this cannibal commes up to them and says
    *i wont eat you, if u go get something and complete a challenge*
    so they all agree.
    the the cannibal says
    *ok, u must go find 10 fruits of the same kind and bring them back here. then i'll tell you what to do*
    so they all leave...
    20 minutes later the first guy commes with 10 strawberries.
    the cannibla says
    * ok u must stick every single one of them up your butt. but u can't make any facial expression, or laugh or anything....*
    so the 1st guy goes up to 2 and starts yealling.
    so the cannibal eats him...
    5 minutes after that the 2nd guy commes with 10 bluberries.
    and the cannibla repeats what he told the first guy.
    so he goes up to 9 and starts laughing..
    so the canniblal eats him....
    the 1st and second guys meet up in heaven..
    the 1st guy goes to the second guy
    * Man! u were so close y did u laugh?*
    the second guy goes,
    * i saw the third guy comming up with pinnaples!*

    i thought it was funny when i first heard it....lol

  • Perfection
    16 years ago

    Hahaha awsome !

  • judith redmount
    16 years ago

    I was in Aruba and went on a bus.
    Before I go out of the bus I asked a lady when are the times to get the bus.
    She said "Well this bus goes every quarter"
    A quarter past 11, a quarter past 12, a quarter past one etc. etc.

    Hi hi hi

  • judith redmount
    16 years ago

    I was in Aruba and went on a bus.
    Before I go out of the bus I asked a lady when are the times to get the bus.
    She said "Well this bus goes every quarter"
    A quarter past 11, a quarter past 12, a quarter past one etc. etc.

    Hi hi hi

  • khate
    16 years ago

    Johnny, George, and Bert were driving along in their pickup when they saw a sheep caught in the fence with its hind end up in the air.
    Bert said, "I wish that was Sharon Stone."
    George echoed, "I wish it was Demi Moore."
    Little Johnny sighed, "I wish it was dark . . . "

    Q: What do you do when your wife's staggering?
    A: Shoot her again.

    Q: What is the difference between and Virgin and a washing machine?
    A: The washing machine doesn't follow you around for two weeks after you dump a load in it!

    Mickey goes to the judge after speaking to him before about getting a divorce with Minney. The judge says "I'm sorry Mickey but I couldn't find grounds for divorce for being insane. Mickey looks stunned and says "I didn't say she was insane I said she was fuc**** Goofy

    Q: What does a dwarf get if he runs through a womans legs?
    A: A clit round the ear and a flap across the face

    Bungee jumping is like getting a blowjob off your granny, It feels great but for christs sake don't look down.


  • Italian Stallion
    16 years ago

    Read what it says about this Forum, "Get to know the community members or post a little about yourself for others to read."

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