Why is this???

  • Jayj
    16 years ago

    Ok here's my thought
    i always begin strong when i start writing a poem and then when i try to finish it i can never find the right words to and then i end up giving up on it and throw it away??

    anyone got any advice on how i could actually finish a poem??

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    First never ever throw it away, even if you don't finish it the way you like today, there is always tomorrow.

  • BlueEyedMystery
    16 years ago

    Whenever I get stuck with the ending of a poem. I take a break, clear my mind. When I come back it's like a fresh start, except you're are starting on the ending. Try not to over-think.

  • Vix
    16 years ago

    Have you ever tried varying the way in which you construct or write poems? Maybe, instead of writing it from beginning to end and then loosing concentration or feeling unable to find the right words, keep a safe draft of what you have and then use a fresh piece of paper or word document to re-arrange what you’ve written. Sometimes people find everything they need is already there and that is why they are suddenly unable to carry on writing. Play with what you have. Swap lines around, look at each word and comma and capital letter, why is it there? Maybe the first four lines would actually work better as the last four lines? Who knows? Take what you have written and highlight the lines or words, the bits, you really like and then use them to write a new poem. Alternatively, use the bits you like to fit them in to a sestina, or sonnet, or villanelle, maybe a pantoum. Research different forms and see whether anything you’ve written might suit one of these forms.

    Just play around.

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    Yeah play around with some endings you might have and maybe you will find something you like or come back to it later when u think of something.
