A New Flame

  • LiveMyLifeOnALullaby
    16 years ago

    Well, there's this guy and I seriously like him. He means so much to me, as a friend and a bit more. We've got a lot in common, and used to talk a lot, but now it's like we barely know each other. We don't really hang out anymore, like when I'm in the gym, like usual, playing basketball, he would come to join my game, he'd start a new one. And when we walk past each other, all he ever does is look at me, give me half a smile, and walk away. It's like all of a sudden he's shy to be around me. I don't get it.

    Any advice on what's happening to him? To our friendship?


    16 years ago

    Talk to him...jokingle ask him why he has been really talking to you like he used too...

  • Alex D
    16 years ago

    People drift apart, shit happens.

  • Babydoll
    16 years ago

    Things happin in this crazy world we live in.People drift apart and people come closer than ever.Just try 2 talk 2 him and see what's going on that head of his.And if he doesn't want 2 talkj then just move on.