Ok i post topics

    16 years ago

    I post topics and then a minute later they are deleted
    i just postted on about how i got 2 ppl in my life i like and now it is gone

  • Normal is the Watchword
    16 years ago

    Yeah that was there a minute ago, I barely read it but it was there. Did you break a rule?

    16 years ago

    Not that i know of hmm i just mesaged 2 mods so i guess theyll tell me

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    People have been having problems with comments disappearing, too.

    You don't have any penalties, so it wasn't deleted with penalty.

    There are a few possibilites:
    1. there is a glitch in the system (mods can't check into that, only Janis can)

    2. it was a topic that there are lots of similar threads on already that you could have posted in, so a mod deleted it.

    3. it simply got moved... have you looked in the other categories?

    Unfortunately, that's all the help I can give you. there is no way I can check to see if another mod deleted it, you can only hope that if one did, they will speak up and say why they did it.