Beautifully Nothings 2nd titled contest

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago


    So here are the rules (yea, i get right to the point):

    ***Three poets per title
    ***One poem per poet
    ***They don't have to be sad/dark, so if you can make a happy one out of the title (which i doubt, but oh well) then go for it
    ***Not TOO short (4-8 lines) but not a freaking novel either! use your judgement
    ***Due Date is April 21st

    I will only choose 3 winners!
    1st Place - 10 comments and ratings
    2nd Place - 7 comments and ratings
    3rd Place - 4 comments and ratings

    Here are your titles:

    *To Fear a Scale
    1.) Engel Augen (DONE)
    2.) Beautiful Chaos (DONE)

    *Artisticly Broken
    1.) Paralyzed (DONE)
    2.) NyellMoonlight (DONE)

    *Diary of a Dead Girl -- FULL
    1.) Hellon (DONE)
    2.) StuPid FrEaK (DONE)
    3.) Jess (DONE)

    *I Feel You Near Me

    2.)Damont (DONE)
    3.) Lemma (DONE)

    *Listen To the Silence
    2.) Polaroid (DONE)
    3.) YouHaveStolenMyHeart (DONE)

    Good luck everybody and i can't wait to read them!

  • SH3S fiNAllY H3R3 l0V3 U N3NA
    16 years ago

    May I please have "I Feel You Near Me"?


  • L0V3 Mi fAMilY
    16 years ago

    "Listen To The Silence" please.

  • Polaroid
    16 years ago

    Listen to the silence please.

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    Artistically Broken please

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    Artistically Broken

    Mind bending,
    Teeth clenching,
    Fist inspiring,
    Is this writing?

    Empty feelings,
    Cold hands,
    The ink is frozen,
    Nothing touches paper.

    Just noise,
    A cluttering of the mind,
    No solace there.

    Fingers fumbled,
    Brush strokes are binding,
    Falling off the edge of the canvas,
    Wanting more,
    Finding nothing.

    Where has inspiration gone?
    Sitting on another shoulder,
    Whispering in another ear,
    Giving away my ideas?

    Like all else,
    Has left me,
    But I know it shall return.

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    I feel your near me please?

  • StuPiD FrEaK
    16 years ago

    Diary of a Dead Girl.. !!
    Interesting topic!
    Wanna join!

  • NyellMoonlight
    16 years ago

    Artisticly Broken, please :)

  • StuPiD FrEaK
    16 years ago

    Diary of a Dead GirL--sTuPiD FrEaK

    Darkness covered most of the house
    We just moved in and it's kind of strange
    I see webs and dust and a squeaking mouse
    Living here would be a change

    I thought it wouldn't be a harm to look around
    Found myself trapped in a place full of tomes
    A book covered in dust and burnt I found
    It must had been from the people who knew this place as home

    I tried to read the blurry words
    It was a diary from a young girl
    What she wrote was kind of absurd
    But then I thought if it must be her world

    Hurt and death, I read many times
    Scars and wounds and blood all over
    I still went on reading despite
    The scare I get examining each letter

    'I wanted to go out from this place;
    The people here are killing me
    They say they don't want to see my face
    For it has caused bad things to the family

    My mother died after I was born
    My father got sick because of her death
    All of them was trying to mourn
    My existence caused her to lose her breath'

    And then the last page was covered with blood
    I tried to be brave to keep on reading
    I was disturbed by a sudden thud
    The noises around here are startling

    'My sister and brother bruised me again
    But now the blood is oozing fast
    I'm writing what I can with my pen
    'Cause I really think this is the last'

    My eyes were wide open to see a kid in red
    In our family I was the only child
    She must be the owner of the diary I read
    I lost my conscious after she smiled..

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    16 years ago

    "Listen to the Silence" plz

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago

    Only a few more spots left, best be hurrying to get in

  • LiisaMariie143
    16 years ago

    Can i have i feel you near me pleaseee =]

  • Polaroid
    16 years ago


    Have you ever heard the silence,
    On a cold winters day?
    When the whole world is asleep, in their own way.
    As you walk in a wood, not a thing to say.

    You feel peaceful, alive, calm once more.
    As you listen to the hush of fallen flakes,
    And the everlasting sway the tall tree makes
    Close your eyes, and think, the world will not quake.

    Walk, accompanied by yourself, be happy, and joyous.
    The snow, will not slow and leave you
    Calm down, deep breaths, don�t worry about things to do.
    They can wait, for a minute or two.

    Let the silence fill you up.
    Try to be happy, with all of your might
    The whiteness, blinding, sparkling in moonlight
    A blanket, covering the forest, from our sight

    Have you ever heard the silence
    As you walk in the white wood
    Covered by its blanket, sparkling white, as you stood
    Watching it fall, listening to silence.


  • NyellMoonlight
    16 years ago

    Artistically Broken

    Lilies bloom over the shards of mutilated conscience
    embedding stinging roots into its pedestal of ice;
    fragrance of fallacies recolor my inner tunes
    replaying rosy sad songs, notes of painful revelation.

    Silver moon is spilling its distorted acridness
    over the world sketched with charcoal deceptions;
    I had inky scars painted across the porcelain skin
    some wounds ornamented with tint of loneliness.

    Luxuriant candlelight illuminates lethal hollowness
    smeared across the heart's brittle parchments;
    notions are graciously melting along with the gemstones
    that once held spectacles of translucent fears.

    Spectrum of sorrows brake precious glassy lilacs
    watering their ashes with pearly drops of grief;
    Violin strings cut through the patchwork senses,
    burning along with soul's bloody mosaics.

  • damont
    16 years ago

    I would like to reserve for scarred.


    My heart is beating faster
    my bones begin to shake
    my mind is racing at the sounds of laughter
    my pulse began to fake
    my legs move with fury
    it feels as if im missing a breathe
    i begin to speak steridly
    but my mind isn't at rest
    i hear my heart pounding
    i feel as if im drowning
    my nails are growing shorter
    my body tries to bring order
    but fear has gripped my soul and has stolen my voice
    fear and nervousness mixed in one big bowl
    entered the body through sight and i started feeling cold
    nothing i could do because my body wouldn't move

  • Lemma
    16 years ago

    Can I reserve scarred please?

    Thanks =)

    Em xXx

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    To Fear A Scale please

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    To Fear a Scale

    I can't get on that thing,
    There's no good that can come,
    My reflection suits me fine,
    The scale just makes me numb.

    I don't know what I weigh,
    Can't say I really care,
    The numbers can't mean anything,
    If I don't see them there.

    Looking in the mirror,
    All I saw was good,
    A warm and caring woman,
    Smiling where I stood.

    Happy she was breathing,
    Healthy and alive,
    If she never saw a scale again,
    She knew she would survive.

    The outside world is watching,
    They never go away,
    It doesn't matter what they think,
    Or even what they say.

    Trust yourself and love yourself,
    Grow and do your best,
    Perfection's unattainable,
    Let happy be your quest.

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago

    4 days left, everybody. if you aren't goint to both submitting your poem then you should un-reserve it that way it gives other people a shot to do it that will turn it in.

  • Alexandra Jade Brewer
    16 years ago

    Can I do Artistically Broken pwease? :)

    16 years ago

    To Fear a Scale, please. :)

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago

    Not a problem, good luck

  • Lemma
    16 years ago


    The wounds are healing over,
    The blood no longer flows,
    The scabs will turn from red to white,
    And soon no-one will know.

    I kept it such a secret,
    Just so they couldn't see,
    The only one who knew it,
    Was lonely little me.

    I thought I was so clever,
    Causing myself pain,
    Looking back from here and now,
    I stood nothing to gain.

    Things are still not perfect,
    But I can see a brighter side,
    So I'll put away this worn out blade,
    Find it somewhere safe to hide.

    It's time for moving on now,
    Let the scars all fade away,
    And look forward to tomorrow,
    A brand new hopeful day.

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago

    All poems need to be in my midnight tomorrow (Mountain time) and i will judge them as soon as possible

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    16 years ago

    Blonde moment midnight mountain time is what time pacific time

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago

    That would be 11 p.m. your time

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    16 years ago

    My name used to be YouHaveStolenMyHeart
    Listen To The Silence

    Can you hear it?
    Shush, just listen.
    Its stone cold grasp encloses around you.
    Can you feel it?
    The way it breaths down your neck?
    The screaming gets louder in your head
    As the silence builds up around your fragile body.
    You can't forget the things they said.
    It's like a torture chamber.
    They are killing you with their silence.
    The words came out of their mouth and they waited.
    Waited for you to explode,
    Knowing that once they were quiet,
    Their words would get to you.
    The silence would build around you.
    You feel like you are suffocatinng.
    It squeezes the air from your lungs.
    But all you can do is sit there,
    Pulling out your own hair,
    Going mad from the silence
    Because all you can hear is the silence.
    You cna't move though.
    You are frozen.
    So you sit there,
    and listen to the silence

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago

    Did you already reserve that one and then change your name? because if not, i am afraid that that title is already full

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    16 years ago

    Listen to the silence. i reserved it but it is under You Have Stolen My Heart. Sorry I forgot I changed my name sorry about that

  • Beautifully Nothing
    16 years ago

    Sorry i haven't gotten to them yet, this week is really busy for me. but i swear i will get to them next week. i promise