Ugh. Weird question but I have to know this.

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    Okay, well about a month ago, when I got onto this computer and was deleting my history, I found out that someone on the computer had been on a porn site. Now, since my mom doesn't use the laptop, I knew that it must have been my dad, but I thought that maybe he had just clicked on a weird link to something or other and dismissed it.
    But...yesterday, I was at my dad's soccer game, and I was bored so I was planning to video tape him playing on his phone.
    Apparently the memory was full, so I went to his videos to see if I could delete any of them to make space.
    The first two that came up were porn videos. And there is no way to have something like that on your phone, without putting it there deliberately.

    So. My question is, is this a normal thing?
    [it doesn't seem like it is in any way right or normal to me but idk...]
    This is really freaking me out.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    16 years ago

    A lot of men like it.

    And I bet it just seems weird and wrong because it's your dad.
    I'm not sure how "normal" it is, but if he's not cheating on your mom, I think it's definately fine.
    Some men are just... "happier" than others, if you catch my drift.

    I'd get more opinion on this, but to me I think it's normal. My dad doesn't do it that I know of, so I
    don't know it personally, so that's that from me.


  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    I guess I can kind of relate, when my sis and I were little we went searching for Christmas presents in my parents closet and found all of his Playboys and like materials. Some guys are into it, some aren't, some girls care, some girls watch it with them and others could care less. I can't really say if it is normal for your dad lol But yes even dads look at porn.

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    Start here then search the forums.

    Thanks hun...
