You ever notice

  • Colby
    16 years ago

    You even notice that most people who give advice ( well not most people, but i know deff. me ) give awesome advice. But they cant actually do what they say.... I wanna know your reasons why you cant, ( if you do ) and why people think thats so...

  • Colby
    16 years ago

    I agree.
    Sometimes i just wish we could all just give our self our own advice...

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    I think it is always easier to give advice because it's not your outcome, your change, you're not as emotionally invested. When you're on the outside looking in, it doesn't seem so bad, but when you're the one in the thick of it reason can have a tendency to fly out the window.

  • Alex
    16 years ago

    I think the reason why the advice we give is harder for the person that gave the advice to do, is because its easy to say to someone that that have to do something, and to encourage other people to do whatever it is, than for you actually do it yourself.

  • shes a killer
    16 years ago

    Haha i do that, i'm so guilty!!
    i can help anyone with a problem..
    i could be going through the same thing but i can't do it for myself.
    it's easier said than done.

  • Colby
    16 years ago

    ^ Thats true I guess

    I agree with the fact that its not our income thats why its easier to say.

    I think we can all take in hand that all situations are different. We know our situation a lot better then other people do so it may be more difficult to come up with a solution to fit our needs. Where when we are giving the person some advice, we may not know the whole thing, so the choices and options of the advice giving are way more open

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    "We know our situation a lot better then other people do so it may be more difficult to come up with a solution to fit our needs"

    Especially when we know the solution, but are not willing to accept it. I think that is also the reason we ask for advice and don't take it sometimes because we know what the solution is but we are hoping someone will agree with our heart and not our mind, giving us that excuse to hold onto whatever it is we don't wish to let go of.

  • Colby
    16 years ago

    I think we also ask for advice because ( like you said above ) we do not like the solution we have come up with. I mean... we ask, but really we are looking for agreement on our argument for advice. In the long run we are looking for a cheaper way out, by w/e means it is