
  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hey everyone!!How are you all??Hope you're doing well....
    Well...i started this post as a hub where everyone can post any interesting words,along with their meaning aND background.....
    I hope this will benefit all of us greatly!

    __HAVE FUN!!__

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Well...as a start, idecided to post a word so that all of you could get an idea what i meant!:P

    Meaning:Violent ruffian
    Background:Well...actually the word thug is derived from thugis,who were members of a religeous group from India....They used to strangle wayfarers to death as a sacrifice to their goddess Kali and were outlawed in 1829 by Lord Bentick,the then british viceroy of india,in the Act of Abolition 1829......

    Well???what are you waiting for?? Get moving and post some new interesting words for all of us to read!!

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Cool moana!Thats the way...lol

    So guys...im here with another word...

    Meaning:Gross irreverance towards a hallowed person,place or thing...
    Background: Well...actually in Latin,sacrilegus is the person who steals sacred things..and that is the word from where sacrilege is derived...sacrilegus in turn is derived from sacr-, sacer + legere to gather, steal....
