16 years ago
Okay so im involved with this guy and we're in a long distance relationship everything so far is going extremely well and im so happy with him and basically everything is great. |
Beautiful Chaos
16 years ago
College is not for everyone, just because he doesn't go right now, doesn't mean he wouldn't later. As long as he is employed, taking care of himself and loving you why does a degree matter? |
16 years ago
Regardless about college or not, look on the positive to this. you're making it big in your life with all these plans with college and only because he isn't going at all doesn't mean the relationship would flop. the most important thing is that the both of you love and care for each other in anything and well that he can mostly be able to support at the same time (like have a job, doesn't matter about the degree or anything in that matter) so don't think because predicting the future would change anything because it's only a prediciton, so it hasn't happened or taken place you know. |
coverd in darkness
16 years ago
Diferences in relationships are good, while you will have the qualifications who knows he might end up with an apprencticeship or something, my bf didn't even complete high school while i've gone on to and graduated from further education and its never caused any problems. Follow your heart. |
16 years ago
Yeah you guys are right. To me since the beginning it kinda did bother me that he wasnt in college like me eventhough for most of my high school years i always thought that college wasnt for me either. But in a way i think its expected of me and i want to make my parents proud who are watching me from heaven. Its the least i can do right make something out of me. |
16 years ago
What does it matter, honestly, if one has a degree and one doesn't? Jobs need all sorts of things and degree's aren't the only things that determine a job. |
16 years ago
Yeah i understand that college isnt for everyone, like i had said i didnt even think it was for me but well now amazingly im almost finished with my first year. and its not really important to me if he gets into college or not as long as in the long run he's able to take care of himself and the both of us then thats perfectly okay with me. |