Are words powerfull

  • Michaela Lewis
    16 years ago

    Is what we say and what we write realy do any thing or have a purpus is what we write really having an affect? what are you writing for?

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    It does something for us or we wouldn't write. It might do something for someone else, the best way to see is to put it out there.

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    It doe shelp, writing down your feelings lets them free from inside you.

  • your love is mine
    16 years ago

    I think that me and other people that write is to let their (and my) feelings out and get help. We also help others with the problems that they are going through that we already went through. Writing your feeings is a way people contorl their anger and it's just a good way to get it out. poetry helped me in so many ways and i hope it helps out other people too.=)

  • Narphangu
    16 years ago

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is the most obscene lie ever.

    Bones will heal. The imprint of words can last forever.

  • Narphangu
    16 years ago

    I don't know... I think sometimes there are things said that just don't roll off your back... some things stay forever. You can forget about or disregard them... But all it takes is one small word or action to bring it all back.

    Or maybe I just need to have my head checked...


  • PMurphy
    16 years ago

    Words are the most powerful thing in the world!

    Words is how we talk, its how we learn, its how we succeed, its how we year. In words we create meaning we teach and hold each other together. In words create relationships and thrive in our fields in words we create pictures and bring people away from fears in words we produce magic as we break it on tv. IN WORDS we make people believe in false realities in words we do this in words we do that.

    There is so much you can do with just a simple word. You can save a person's life, you can break a person's life.

    There is so much i can say about this subject that it mind boggles me and makes me write in poetic phrases so im sorry ^^

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    16 years ago

    Of course words are powerful. They reach through history and stoke the fires of anger and hatred more readily than any man or God could ever hope to. And if you don't believe it, just walk up to a cop and call him the (bad) C-word to his face.

    And no, I won't pay your fine OR your A&E bill. ;-)

  • your love is mine
    16 years ago

    I think that you are right about this thats why i wrote a poem that was like that.=)

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    I feel that words are much more powerful than physical abuse cuz after a while people get numbed from phsycal abuse but feelings never go numb even if they do you feel numb which means you still feel and words attack feelings so they are powerfull

  • Mr. Darcy
    16 years ago

    Words are what you make them!

  • Lacie
    16 years ago

    Words are things that only your head and your head alone can put them in the of which u desire.
    Words are your own creation and your alone, no one can speak for you.


  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    16 years ago

    My writing is pretty much a diary. I can write how I feel towards something I can open up without having to actually open my mouth.

  • Lonely Rider
    16 years ago

    Ya...Words are powerful....I write poetry to express myself... ya sometimes i use dictionary to search for some sophisticated terms... bt still I believe that even simple words can weave magic.... The way you write matters... some poems can really move your heart heart...

  • Bill Turner
    16 years ago

    Words last forever, ask anyone who has been hurt or touched by them.

  • Lisa
    16 years ago

    Words are extremely powerful, they are all you have and the only thing you have control over

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    Brains will beat brawns everytime, then again through studies i've read brain damage can be caused by continuous blows to the cerebelum .....

    so start lifting =p

    just thought i'd throw that in :p Its my new quote

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    Umm YEA words are extremely powerful! I write to get all my feelings out...and every single word of my poems is very meaningful to me.

  • Megan
    16 years ago

    Words are one of the most powerful things in the universe. I write because I love too. It occupies my time and I enjoy it. But more importantly it gives me a way to put my feelings into words, to express myself. And I think if we can be touched by poems available to is on a great site such as this, then that can only be a good thing.

  • Vix
    16 years ago

    Words are powerful whether they are used to write poetry or are used verbally. Hell, words are so powerful that NOT saying them can have huge consequences. Words start (and end) wars. Words make the human world turn.

    There are millions of discussions and books, courses and age-old debates over the idea of words and their structure. There are even arguments that language ir ironically impotent: research post modern literarature / poetry and criticism to find out more about this.

    Political leaders, writers, mothers, prophets etc rely on words entirely AND have been influenced by written word (poetry etc) to take the positions they take.

    Try not using words for a day. Do not speak. Do not write and avoid reading or listening to words...I bet it'd be impossible to last an hour. In advertising on bus stops and the radio in the morning, television, conversations with friends, buying produce in shops, reading newspapers and books etc...we cant avoid them, and that is for a reason.

    A well known writer and expert on Beat writing once told me that, whether we admit it or not, every writer write for imortality. That is, we die, but live then through our words. Interesting idea.

    I personally write, as the famous writer Charlotte Bronte said: 'because I cannot help it'. ;)

    16 years ago

    I think its how you say the words that makes
    them powerful

  • Michaela Lewis
    16 years ago

    The reson i asked this is cuz my dad beats me some times no mater what i say or how i tell it remans the same what power do words have

    i think the real power they have is only known when people listen

  • Blueleo
    16 years ago

    Words alone are only a way to represent something. They are just symbols. The way words can have an effect is if those words stir an emotion or put together signal something great. That's how words start wars and that how words begin and end relationship. Emotions leave an imprint that can make or break someone for life.

  • David
    16 years ago

    They sure are, pictures are better than a 1000 words, but in some cases i say 1000 very emotive and powerful words are better than the picture. :P


  • Grant Gilbert AKA Slash
    16 years ago

    Yes words are powerfull they can influence a persons moods greatly.I write because i have something to say or a story to tell or just because i want to

  • Sanjay
    16 years ago

    Ya they are really powerful. they speak the true feelings

  • Invited
    16 years ago

    It works so much, it gets out all your feelings and emotions. Especially ,when you are such a quiete person and can not show your emotion in any other way.