Extra brakets

  • shadowknight
    16 years ago

    i was going through my fav authors and it had their name, number of poems and something else..

    what is the (6)????
    i was so confused!!

  • Italian Stallion
    16 years ago

    Doug is correct, it is the amount of new poems they have submitted since the last time you've been on.

  • Italian Stallion
    16 years ago

    I like that Idea, and it wouldn't be all that hard to implement, I look into that.

  • Boy
    16 years ago

    Ok. Idea is not bad. But what wil happen if someone click on (6). Lol. 6 poems cant be shown in one page. Or Itz hard to open six pages of new six poem. <A bug>

  • shadowknight
    16 years ago

    Thanks....i got so confused about that!
    And i do like the idea tasteless!
    Maybe if we had the most recent pop up, not all 6....... it would be great!

  • Italian Stallion
    16 years ago

    Basically it would be like your "Account News" System.

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    Ahhhh now this makes sense now x