Photograpic words.

  • xoOrdinaryGirlox
    16 years ago

    **Closed for judging**


    Hi guys :) This contest is simple. Choose a picture and write about it. Just copy and paste the links into your address bar to see them.

    *Must reserve
    *New or old
    *Any style, any length
    *Two poems can be entered per person
    *2 people per picture

    *Update* I'm extending the dealine for a bit longer so I can PM people for their poems :)

    ~ xXxBrokenxXxCompletelyxXx [Done]


    ~ Trista
    ~ Singing in the Rain [Done]



    ~ Brittney Schmelter [Done]

    ~ LiquidSugar [Done]

    ~ NinjaGirl [Done]
    ~ Lizaveta

    ~ Beautiful Chaos [Done]
    ~ Trista [Done]


    1st - 8 r/r/c's
    2nd - 4 r/r/c's
    3rd - 2 r/r/c's
    And 2 HM's who will each recieve 1 r/r/c :) (If enough enter)

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    I'd like to reserve 9 please

  • NinjaGirl
    16 years ago

    Number 8, please and thanks

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    16 years ago

    Number one please.

  • NinjaGirl
    16 years ago


    Such beauty that is revealed
    Within this poignant piece of artwork,
    Not just artwork but a living scenery
    Of such lively nature and blooming greenery.

    When I look within the depths of this picture
    I see a relaxing place that calms my mind
    My racing heart, I can no longer hear
    For all of my senses are fixated upon this beautiful picture.

    I once lived in a world of black and white and grey
    But as I look within this picture, I see a place that I could almost call home
    There is such life and beauty that it nearly brings me to tears
    For, here, I have no doubts, no worries, no fears.

    Nature is the most beautiful blessing of all
    I can't believe that I've never seen this before
    But, with the sun shining in my eyes and the birds chirping in my ears
    It's hard not to notice something as beautiful as nature.

    ©opyrighted by ~NinjaGirl~

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    16 years ago

    #1 please

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    16 years ago

    Picture #1
    I Feel I Should Tell You

    I feel I should tell you
    Tell you about the way you make me feel
    The way I tremble when you are near
    Or scramble away from you
    So you won't see the blush spreading across my face

    I should tell you about my dream
    The one of you and I on a swing
    Holding hands like it's a secret
    Hoping we can keep it
    Praying no one finds us there

    The clouds float on around us
    I can only see you
    And I am scared to death
    Of what I should do
    Should I kiss you? Should I not?

    So tell me how you feel
    Do you love me like I love you?
    Are you scared of what to do?
    Do you tremble like I do?
    Or am I the only one who feels such love?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago


    I see those rainbows forming,
    Deep inside your eyes,
    Hope is slowly breaking through,
    Your spirit starts to rise.

    The beauty in you, I first saw,
    Now slowly comes alive,
    I always knew you had the strength,
    To stand tall and survive.

    Cast those demons from your head,
    Learn to love once more,
    Not just others, but yourself,
    Like you did before.

    Many falter, many fail,
    So many are misled,
    Pain exists in every life,
    If human, you have bled.

    Only you can make the choice,
    To see this journey out,
    Joy and laughter play a part,
    But so does hurt and doubt.

    I'm glad to see those rainbows forming,
    In those eyes of magic,
    A day without you in my life,
    Would be just much too tragic.

  • Lizaveta
    16 years ago

    #8 please

  • Avrii Monrielle
    16 years ago

    Please reserve me #3 and #9

  • Avrii Monrielle
    16 years ago


    Beth's Eyes
    by Trista

    Swirling bursts of beautiful colors,
    Cluttered amongst each other,
    To the fullest extent, so that they
    Have a place where colors may stay.

    Your orbs sparkle as you laugh;
    Oh, those beautiful, shining lamps!
    They illuminate the darkest sky...
    Oh, how they they brighten the saddest smile!

    Hazel -- what a traumatic name!
    This word alone could never explain,
    The glow from within your shining brightness,
    Glittering, glistening, almost causing blindness!

    A light, pale sky blue on the inside lay,
    Glistening amber lines the pupil's fray.
    The foamiest sea green on the widest out,
    A blanket of beauty that has its own shout!

    The blue sky swims with the sea's green bay,
    Orange encumbers past amber's small lay,
    Then a slight purple haze does align...
    Releasing bright red, gold, and green armine!

    The colors do settle, and a soft, light gray cloud,
    Takes it sweet toll and mixes the colors around.
    In fact, I do notice, in their own sweet way,
    Your gaze is less hazel, more a colored array!

  • Lemonbread
    16 years ago

    Number 7 please?

  • Lemonbread
    16 years ago

    Number 7:
    Black and White

    You open your eyes for nothing
    Waiting for a call, but no one rings
    You crawl out of bed only to return
    And would still have nothing to yearn

    Eventually, you go outside to only see
    The black and white colours of the trees
    You walk by yourself in your little world
    Where no one will hear or speak a word

    You sit on a bench and watch the lake
    Its white coloured water looking fake
    The sky was also white, birds flew frozen
    You watch that sky, frozen from motion

    You suddenly hear a whisper in your ear
    Its only a little girl, nothing to fear
    She gives you a bright red balloon
    And runs away, hair white as the moon

    You look at the balloon and a smile grows
    As you watch her dance in little red shoes
    You walk home and hide behind a black wall
    But maybe your life isn't black and white after all

  • Poet on the Piano
    16 years ago

    I will have number 3 please, thanks!

  • Brittney Follett
    16 years ago

    I would love number 6

  • Brittney Follett
    16 years ago

    Bubbles of the Esoteric

    O ` O
    ` O
    o `
    ` O `
    o o
    I'm struggling at the surface.
    And losing my faith within.
    Why do I continue on fighting?
    When I know I cannot win.

    As the waves thrust me under
    My attempt to live grows weaker.
    It's difficult to stay at the surface,
    When love has become my anchor.

    My movement ceases as I let go.
    The air in my lungs escapes my body
    As I descend downward, all that remains,
    Are the tiny bubbles that drift out to sea.
    o o
    ` O `
    o `
    ` O
    o ` O

    Copyright Brittney Schmelter

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    16 years ago

    I'm gonna have to unreserve sorry.
    I don't know if I will be able to get it done.

  • Poet on the Piano
    16 years ago


    So small and innocent, or so they seem,
    Their playful eyes always gleam,
    Facing challenges and many risks,
    They are hyper, energetic, and brisk.

    Small paws, fluffy hair,
    Sweet eyes and cute stares,
    Gray fur, white tips,
    Wet nose and red lips.

    They are so cute and forever sweet,
    With looks of weariness and defeat,
    Their small eyes one by one close,
    As the night goes on, and they start to doze.