Walking dead?

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    Is it just me or are there other poeple out there that feel like they walk through life as a zombie.

    you dont care about anything anymore. your never happy. nothing is fun anymore.

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    I think many of us have felt like that at some point in our lives and if not we will.

  • Kaitlyn Gilbertson
    16 years ago

    Haha, thats my problem. ^

    The only reason i ever feel like that is because i think too much, its crazy stuff so i hate to have the time to think. Its painful and unwanted to i try to do everything in my power to be able to be doin something so i dont have to think. Sad. However theres always time to think so ive learned.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    I felt like that for a long while, I couldn't feel anything... I don't remember how I got my feelings back but I know it was from a strong sudden feeling like excitement... so if you wanna get rid of it do something extreem

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    Im just gald to know that i am not alone.
    i just cant seem to shake the 'zombie' feeling

    any ideas on how to 'wake up'?

  • Kaitlyn Gilbertson
    16 years ago

    Throwing water in your face? JUST KIDDING,

    Umm, I dont know for me, i threw myself into something that required "waking up". like things with my friends, family, and work and then well, music is what really helped me. But I dont know, everybody is different.

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    Your a funny one.....water in your face.....heheh

    but i have tried to surround myself with projects, people, things but that didnt work. i still pass though the day like a zombie. Nothing phases me. it is like i am not realy here even.

  • Viola
    16 years ago

    A really hard dose of reality and truth. It'll wake you right up.

  • Kaitlyn Gilbertson
    16 years ago

    Haha, thanks. =] But i wouldnt reccomend it. Not fun. =[ Haha

    Ummm. Yeah I know, just time then. Like i dont really know, but i hope it happens fast. If something drastic happened i think that might work. But now now, dont go creating a disaster. HAha.

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    I think i may have already sparked something.

    i have taken to acting crazy in school to see how people will react.

    the teacher fear me now and that brings me slight joy to watch them quiver in fear as i glare at them or when i speak in harsh tones. =)

  • Kaitlyn Gilbertson
    16 years ago

    Yay, haha. Crazy is good. =]

  • Kaitlyn Gilbertson
    16 years ago

    ^^ motorcycle! yay. Haha but if theres no money for it, then i cant say that would help a whole lot.

    Life is too short... Good point there.

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    I want a motercycle!! that would be awesome.

    or maby i will go skydiving or bundgyjumping.

    the only problem with it is i have to wait till i am at least 18 cuz my parents wont let me.

  • Kaitlyn Gilbertson
    16 years ago

    ^^ Haha, stealing would fit in with your crazy thing... =]

    Umm haha, I went sky jumping, haha i swear i almost lost my memory from the fall.. =]

  • Purple
    16 years ago

    I've known more then one person who's claimed to "lost all feeling", one by choice, and the other for other reasons.

    Seems love (a strong emotion) helps bring feeling back.

    But in my opinion, love is a strong thing to be feared for all the power it holds. I also would not put some one who does not feel guilt and does not logically make sure they do right instead of wrong in a relationship, for this is unfair to their partner.

    Caring about some thing a lot, growing some sort of affection seems like it should help.

  • sweetluvnsuicide
    16 years ago

    I had the zombie feeling for years . .

    it has only just gone away. .

    a close friend died and i was shocked. .

    then i just went numb for months. .

    then im not sure what happened but all of the sudden i just snapped out of it. .

    being crazy can be fun. .

  • Gabrielle
    16 years ago

    I was like that for a long time..you kinda get stuck in your own version of reality and nothing else really seems to matter...that has not happened to me in a long time.

  • Lethmelodis
    16 years ago

    Well, I had a time period where I guess I could've considered myself dead in a way, but not in a whole 'I'm depressed, this sucks' type of manner, but in a more 'eh, who cares?' sense.

    I don't even know if I wanted to consider myself 'dead' but more 'lost' than anything. It was just a unproductive month, where everyday felt like the last day replayed again with minor detail changes. The same gray skies, the same boring classes, and the same crappy lunch. I think it was more or less, a lack of excitment rather than the lack of happiness that seems to plague the metaphorical 'dead'.

    I don't know exactly how to explain the whole thing, it was just a ceasefire period in the ongoing fight perhaps, although I don't like to compare my life to a fight, cause it isn't THAT hard, but you get the whole point I think.

    So, I think the whole idea behind this little rant is to answer the question, and I say: Yeah, I have felt like a zombie before.

    I think that I think I think too much.

  • Heba
    16 years ago

    Yeah, sometimes i feel that i am just a hoolow person who has no feelings or a heart like a dead one, but i alwyas try to get over that.

  • BeatsMe
    16 years ago

    One phrase. LOL. Trust me unless you got bit by a zombie, you aint a zombie.

  • WaitAutumn
    16 years ago

    If life seems to mean nothing...have no point, or just nothing interesting in it.. its up to you to make something out of it. to put some colors in it. Or else it 'll just stay as it is...

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Yes, i feel like that a lot. i get so over everything that i actually feel nothing 2wards it

  • iris
    16 years ago

    Hmmm... i once read somewhere this little phrase, it kind of makes you think.....lol

    You got a hard problem, well, you're either gonna live through it or you are'nt. You live through it, you're happy. You die, you're either gonna go to heaven or hell. You go to heaven, you're happy. You go to hell- well, least you got lots of company.....

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    Cute saying
    i am going to have lots of company though

  • AnCi
    16 years ago

    I had a period lke that 2,5 years ago... and it took me 1 year to get my life back on track... take my advice (that i wish i had gotten back than) focus on the good things that you have in your life instead of the bad... be optimistic instead of pessimistic and you wil get through it faster than i have :)

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Oh yeah i felt like that in high school. blah
    it was horrable!
    then i graduated early yaya! : )

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    I'm sure there are.. but with a postive attitude you can change everything

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    I did at one point.

    Blame that on antidepressants. Those things practically dull you out.

  • Kuro
    15 years ago

    Anti-depressants will bring you out of a depressined spell, but they are hard as hell to get off. very addicting

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago


    Well, it isnt so much that they're addicting, at least not for me, I've seen worse, its just, they seem to dull me out. They don't really bring me out of the depression, just seem to dull the emotions that come with it, as well as all my other emotions. Essentially, its like being on a really crappy mindf*** constantly, in order to keep you from plateauing.

    Then again, I'm bipolar, so antidepressants have NEVER been a good idea for me.

  • bequi
    15 years ago

    I used to feel that... and its so hard to get over it.

    and untill now, there are times that i feel like useless

  • Krathia
    15 years ago

    I play music. Listen to music. Go bother my friends. Write my troubles away.

  • Lady Nik
    15 years ago

    I feel like that sometimes. like i'm walking in slow motion while life flashes by.