Something Diabolical
16 years ago
Has anyone read any of the poems by John Milton? |
Something Diabolical
16 years ago
I actually meant the language used is outdated =P |
Something Diabolical
16 years ago
Paradise Lost is a good read! |
mark swaggerty
16 years ago
No one is as good as poe, come on!!! |
Cory Mastrandrea
16 years ago
Paradise Lost is genius; however, also the work of a man who, by historical knowledge of how it is written, took his wife fr granted (some may calll it abuse). If you don't allow your feelings over a writer's personal life get in the way of what they write, then go for it. If you do, then don't, cause it would ruin a truly amazing poem |
16 years ago
Milton 'outdated'? O_O |