josh bunin

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    to everyone who has read all the posts concerning katie/danny and josh bunin i hope that u can all see the truth! josh is not the only one who spoke his mind bout the situation yet hes the only one that ppl are speaking out against! anyone who has followed the situation knows josh is not an attention seeker just one of the many who couldnt believe how evil and sad katie was being!

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    thats k! hayleyx

  • hayley williams
    21 years ago

    leave josh alone, have u not seen the lil animal noises he makes? lol

  • Btw Raising Hell And Amazing Grace
    21 years ago

    josh i think that you are a good person but let people say what they want and let them judge you cause all they are are shallow people alot really don't know who you are and this is stupid shit don't you guys have anything else good to talk about this is the internet people are going to lie well peaceout