Creativity or Logic

  • shadowcat
    16 years ago

    Which ability would you prefer to possess?

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago


  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    They go hand in hand..

  • shadowcat
    16 years ago

    But why creativity/ logic?

  • Krathia
    16 years ago

    Creativity. Sadly, though, I have more logic; I can't write abstract things, like some geniuses. My stuff absolutely have to make sense, thus not leaving much for the reader to wonder about.

  • mark swaggerty
    16 years ago

    When reading or writing i enjoy the logical message, but the creative way to teach you the same lesson i've heard a hundred times.

  • she
    16 years ago


  • your love is mine
    16 years ago

    I would have to say that I would and Creativity because there is more fun with creativity and not much fun with logic.=)

  • LoreNz0
    16 years ago

    Hehe well if ur creative enough, u can think up ur own logic =D

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    I would love both since they go hand-in-hand

  • NinjaGirl
    16 years ago


  • Goodbye
    16 years ago

    Einstein would say creativity. :)

  • Vix
    16 years ago

    Both. I guess I'm greedy.

    -Creativity to create (of course) and logic to organise. EG: Both are required to write a sonnet or a pantoum etc.

  • Blueleo
    16 years ago

    Lol, I always remind people that throughout life, philosophers were life's greatest scientists. Might I add to that the fact that a lot of the philosophers were poets even if the world doesn't know it. They speak of life in a poetic way because they see it as this piece of art. Even if it's not a beautiful piece of art in their eyes. So in my opinion, a great artist with lots of "creativity" is also a very logical person. Only they may not have the engineering skills to make their "logic" apparent. I think a lot of poets, if they took the time to learn science and math would surprise themselves at what they can do with it. Unfortunately, we pick and choose what we love and hate. Once you decide you hate math and you don't want to learn it, you lose that chance for something greater.

  • Frozen hearT
    16 years ago

    It's creativity for me......
    creativity is the thing u can't buy

  • adriaan
    16 years ago

    I already have logic so I'll go for creativity.

  • Kait
    16 years ago

    For a good poem, you should possess both. sometimes the one does outweigh the other thought.

  • Invited
    16 years ago


  • Wolf Haines
    16 years ago

    If I had to choose one, with certainty of lacking the other then i would choose creativity.

    Progress is made through creativity, it is understood by logic.

  • shenoa
    16 years ago

    Creativity, you think too much if you only had logic

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    Creativity, I find you can do more with it.

  • Corinne
    16 years ago

    One would like to possess both, and I think as a songwriter - oops - poet - you need to possess both, but if I had to choose only one I'd choose...oh, I can't make up my mind :-P

    I guess to satisfy my soul - creativity - To satisfy my wallet, logic

  • RussianRendezvous
    16 years ago

    Both of them. for me I apply logic to things like relgion and the human tendency to screw up our world. Creativity comes out with my writing, in the form of metaphors, hidden meanings or connections, artful wording and often abstract. sarcasm