16 years ago
I have no idea what to do I cherish him so much and couldn't breathe without him but i feel as though i have mixed emotions? |
16 years ago
Also, he has been saying he wants to propose to me next year and last night he goes to me maybe the year after next :( |
16 years ago
Actually, I think a lot of marriage councilors highly suggest that you remain sexually intimate in a relationship, even if you're having emotional problems. I know you're not married, but it could be applied here, as long as your relationship is committed and has been stable. I think the reasoning is that that sort of physical intimacy breaks down a lot of walls, and you might feel more able to be open with your partner, in a loving manner and work through some problems, in that kind of atmosphere. Plus it's a stress-reliever, I suppose, which could also help in tense situations. |
16 years ago
Excuse me there is nothing wrong or bad with me, he is not like that he understood why we had not been intimate in the past week. |