Things that tick you off in poetry.

  • SilentSymphony
    19 years ago

    What type of things either about writters, or about what writters write about tick you off? wishing they wouldnt do that. it could be about a topic they choose, how they write, or simply what they write.

    Just one thing. no names involved.

    I just want to know if some things urk other people like they do me.
    It could be about anything.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    When people use Internet speech in poetry. It's just not supposed to be there. Unless of course, you are writing a poem in the context of a distressed email. WOw, that's actually a good idea. I think Ill use it nowl.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    hehe...I can't pass it up... and words like "irritate" James??

  • Jme
    19 years ago

    big big words that u have to look up

  • miss scooby
    19 years ago

    It doesnt really tick me off but somewhat annoys me.
    When your reading a good poem and half way through and BAM!!! you start to get confused about what they are trying to say and you have to read it again thinking its you, but it was them who made an error doesnt make me mad...just slighlty annoys me.

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Bob, I agree with your statement above.

    I have no reason to complain about your writing, but If I ever did, I would like to first walk a mile in your shoes. That way, by the time I started criticizing you, you would be a mile away and you probably wouldn't catch me because I'd have your shoes. :-)

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    What bothers me is seeing the English language continually butchered by poor grammar, spelling, capitalization, and word use, including the use of netspeak in poetry.

    I find it distracting because it causes me to reflect on the mistake instead of the idea or feeling the writer is trying to convey. I know there are some writers who are struggling with English and I admire their efforts. But for writers whose first language is English, this is distressing. It indicates more than just a lack of knowledge or learning. It indicates carelessness, indifference or laziness. There are so many easy to use resources available to check spelling, grammar and correct language use that there is little excuse for mistakes like these to remain in finished work when it is submitted.

    19 years ago

    Amen to that. What's the point of cutting anyway? Speaking from experience, I find it never helps. Which is the reason I don't do it anymore.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I hate when people whinge so much about other peoples poetry and types of poetry and without respect to the fact that as we are different as people in our personalities - the same goes for us as writers...well thats what I hate :oS

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Unfortunately I *have* a poem about cutting.. and yes, have never touched a blade. But in no way did I write it to get votes! I have no more than 4 on the poem... it was one of the first poems I had written; so I used a basic theme to see where it took me.

    What annoys me, like many others, is 'slang' words and the misuse of the English langauge in poems that are not in the "slang" section...

  • Nici
    19 years ago

    I am annoyed at people who feel it necessary to rhyme their poems regardless of how it effects the poems flow. I myself have written numerous rhyming poems, but do not make them rhyme just for the sake of rhyming. i would much rather read a poem that has some feeling and meaning behind the words.

    As like many of you have already said I am also annoyed at the use of internet slang in poems. I realise that there is a place for all forms of petry in the world. However I feel that if someone can't be bothered to write words properly then I can't be bothered to read the poem either.


  • KriiisTeeNah
    19 years ago

    I hate it when people write a poem and the title they labled it has nothing to do with what is in the poem. I understand that maybe it has an overall message but when you title a poem; for example....the cows come home and its about a prom? Whatever tho, call it what you wish.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    The title of a poem could be a special meaning to someone, for example, I have a poem called Carewee. Carewee means absolutely nothing to you but I know what it means and the person I wrote it for knows what it means. So you shouldn't think that way, if the title doesn't make sense to you and you really want to know just ask.

    Anyway I think the one thing that bothers me is the way people spell and shorten everything. Most of the time you can't even understand it. If I can't get through the first sentence I don't continue. If I have to slow down to understand it and figure out the abbreviations and mispelled words I don't stay interested.

  • Casey
    19 years ago

    I can not stand to read a poem that is written like this:


    Or when people write *please vote and comment* at the bottoms. Maybe I'm just picky. oh well.

    Bob, I forgot what you said, but I know that I completely agree with you, and Friends, I have poems about cutting, but I have touched the blade... plenty of times. But i'm done. I still write about it though.


  • ♥•oOo Nikki oOo•♥©
    19 years ago

    The Poems That Always Have Something To Do With "Crimson" No Offense Its a Great Word With Multiple Meanings But Its Having "MULTIPLE" people Using It :( xoxo-Nikki-xoxo

  • »«¤ß詤»«
    19 years ago

    poems about cutting!!!!!!!!!! cutting isnt the answer its stupid and all it duz is create more pain!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cannot even bare 2 vote 4 cutting poems now! theres 2 many its sad!!!!