Boyfriend leaving for bootcamp in two months...

  • midnitestars89
    16 years ago

    I have been with Nate for 4 years. Our relationship is really good, we rarely fight. But I don't know how this is going to affect me in the long run, I have never spent more than a week away from him.. how am I going to spent 8 weeks and then 1 year....???

  • mrsmoore
    16 years ago

    If it's meant to be, you'll make it through. Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

  • idgaf
    16 years ago

    "If it's meant to be"- that's not necessarily true. not 'everything happens for a reason' and sometimes things aren't always perfect.

    if you're both close enough I'm sure you'll manage, on the other hand, being away from each other for a year and eight weeks can change people.

  • mrsmoore
    16 years ago

    "Changing" is exactly why i say if it's meant to be. Distance will either bring you closer together or seperate you completely. People can change a lot in a year. And especially since he is going in the military.

    Military is a new life, new set of rules, new limit on boundaries, and teaches you how to live your life the way the government wants you to live it. I've seen many people throw away loved ones and families. But my boyfriend and i were seperated for 7 months last year when he went to Afghanistan and it only brought us closer together.

    I think things really do happen for a reason. Just what i think though.