The Pyro Pack: Though Hidden the Fire Still Burns...

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Okay so there's this site that Jess and Chris have created. It's basically the combining of the cookie catching crew and the bomb squad. It's awesome so if you want more info on it contact me and I'll refer you to Jess or Chris, or if you want you can go straight to them.

    Okay so if you wanna join The Pyro Pack give me your name and something to call you.

    The Pyro Pack:

    Kristine=Pyroticly Insane aka Angel of Flames
    Michaela=Sparky Fingers
    Jack=Irresistable Magical Smexy Pyro Booty
    Gaby=Fire Dancer
    Kat=Smexy Pyro Kitty
    Kyo/Ryu=Disco Inferno
    Mina=Burning Desire
    ky=Flaming Butterfly Diablo
    Ichigo=Burning Passion
    Auzy=The Super Massive Inferno Thingy
    Coco=The Flaming Penguinator
    Chris=Forward Flames of Glory
    Kayla=Flaming Spoon Wielder of Doom
    Alex=Combustable Goodness
    Travis Edwin Perry=The Burnt Polor Bear Smore
    Liam=Pyrokid aka Burning Squid
    Stacey=The Reluctant Pyro
    Tyler=Neon Negative
    Rys=Squeeky Greatabulous Pyro
    AJ=Napalm Zealot
    James=Flamingly Delicious
    Taylor=Firelicious Tay Tay
    Mo=Pyro Princess
    Jade=Flame Commander
    Brenda=Purple Cow of Burning Doom

    I'm requesting that if you guys are really chatty and get the thread locked that you wait for me to create a new one so I can edit the list. Otherwise whoever creates the thread will be expected to add names and nicknames whenever someone wants to join.

  • Brenda
    16 years ago

    I like the title =)

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Rofl, yes, and he's very good at getting into people's minds. Tis awfully annoying...but it's saved me many many times.

    Thankfully, he won't have to use his powers against you, Kris. XD

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Well he'd never get into my head. I read others minds XD

    yes thankfully haha I'd be in trouble. I don't think he was happy at all when he found out I'd been staying up till 5 or 6 he used a lot of question marks and capital letters and exlamation points....cause I avoided actually admitting to it by distracting him.

    hehe yea me likes creating titles for this thread.

  • Brenda
    16 years ago

    How many titles have you created?

    i could probably only master one creating a few good ones. then the rest would be about peter-pan. =)

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Britt, I don't have a name either, but i don't cwy about it. XD

    bleh. Jesse's's hard, having somebody read your mind. but sometimes he doesn't take the effort and it scares me into thinking he doesn't care.

    rofl. i'm easily distracted. O.O

  • Brenda
    16 years ago

    Yes. yes you are. =)

    so how many posts have you editted? i better not be disappointed in you. =)

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Britt....I'm lazy you'll get a name when I think of one lol.

    I've created a lot. just go to search forums and search "the pyro pack" it will show all of them. I've created all but 2 of the pyro packs and that was just cause I couldn't at the time, but I created the group so I prefer to be the one to start the threads and create the titles.

    oh I see gabby.

    oh so is he I said Look!!!!!!! a distraction and since his mind was somewhere else he actually went and checked later what I was distracting him from.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    None, that I remember, Brenda. *nods*

    *snaps for kris*

    Bleh. It's special. rofl.

    HAHAHA. that's like my brother, i swear. Jay used to do that to me, come to think of it..

  • Brenda
    16 years ago

    Well that is good, gabby. you are getting better! =)

    and wozers that is alot. you deserve that diploma. would you like my PurpleCow one?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    XD I have fun distracting the vampire...and I can do it pretty easily, comes in really handy if I need him to forget that we're talking about something

    haha sure why not. XD i love the titles i create much fun....though some got cut off so they aren't the full title. -.-

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Tis what you think...>.>

    Kris, I'm going to bed in ten minutes. *nods*

  • Brenda
    16 years ago

    Going to bed sounds like a good idea! i will chat with you guys tomorrow. thanks for welcoming me on my first day. =)

    take good care of my PurpleCow diploma. you don't get one everyday dont yah know.

    nightnight. i wish you all dreams of London. and a sprinkle of pixie-dust. =)


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    =o gabby is that your warning that I should sleep too?

    night brenda.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Sweet dreams, Brenda.

    And yes, m'dear, that is what it is. 7 minutes and I'm getting off. so I'm telling you you have 6 minutes to get off. *nods*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    XD well I'm not getting off....I will go shower then prolly THEN go to bed, which would make it what 2 am? hmmm...I'd say that's pretty impressive...though...he'd still want better than that, but it is an improvement at least

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Alright, don't say I didn't try, hon. lol.
    I'm gonna go. Sweet dreams when you have them. <3

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Yes yes I might very well tell the vampire that you tried so you get some credit there. lol.

    sweet dreams to you too. night.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Why is no one ever on in the morning it seems?

  • Painted Persona
    16 years ago

    Because they are all stupid!!!

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Yea lazy bums prolly sleeping in till 1 cause it's summer

  • Painted Persona
    16 years ago

    It's Summer????

    Jesus, and I'm just a working away over here.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Chya sam it's summer. *shakes head* I'm working 7 days a week though -.-

    only 2 hours taylor? what time did you go to bed little missy?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    =O you lied to me. you said you were off to bed in like 10 minutes after I left >.<

  • Painted Persona
    16 years ago

    Jesus...I'm tring to know everything here...

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    What are you trying to know sam?

    *squints at taylor* that's the last time I leave you to your own devices. *shakes head* and I was behaving and went to bed at like 2:25 too. -.-

  • Painted Persona
    16 years ago


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *shakes head* sam you're gonna overload your left foot.

    *shrugs* I was only behaving for last night per a request we'll see if that happens again or not.

    alright peoples I'm out I have places I have to be for the next 4 hours before I go to work -.- bleh.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Tay...>.< you said you were gonna sleep. KRIS SLEPT AND YOU DIDN'T?!

    what has this world come to..
    *shakes head*

  • StandStill
    16 years ago


    bleh. XD

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    I'm baaaaacckkk...

    and I was behaving...sorta -.-

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    I believe you. I ish proud. *nods*

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Bleh. I got mad she stolededed your hammer. >.<

  • StandStill
    16 years ago


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Who stoleded it?

    and haha 2:25 Compared to 5 or 6 am that's pretty good, but I'm sure the vampire would have liked earlier. >.<

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Bleh. I'm not sleeping tonight. ^.^
    So don't ask me to tell you, okie?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Haha I was only behaving for one night if he wants me to behave tonight to then he'd have to request it again. and then I'd have to think about it.

    *looks at you sternly* I'm still gonna tell you to sleep

    I could eat her if you like...though I don't know who she is...

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    I don't remember the theif's name. >.<

    Anywho, I have to get up at 5 to get on an airplane, Kris, so it'd be silly to just sleep when I can do so on the plane. *nods*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Hmm.....very true....alright but you have to promise to sleep on the plane and taylor IS sleeping tonight.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Noo? I believe I could get gabby to help me on this one.