What Attracts You To A Poem?

  • Bre Monique
    16 years ago

    When looking through all the poems on this site how do you choose which to read? Rating? Date? Title? And if title, what types of titles do you find interesting?

  • Gness
    16 years ago

    I look to what kind of poem it is mostly dark poems.

  • NinjaGirl
    16 years ago

    I like titles that scream out something unusual or something that sounds good to read. if i like the title then i read the poem and usually like it

  • B
    16 years ago

    I look for catchy titles and and then I look at the topics that the poems are under. If I like the title , but not the topic, I probably will not read the poem.

  • BrokenREALiTy
    16 years ago

    Catchy titles, definitely.
    If it's creative, and not cliche -- I'm just itching to read it.
    Ratings don't matter, because many people downvote these days.

  • Lisa
    16 years ago

    I look for poems that deal with life

  • Anne Garcia
    16 years ago

    I look for the rating and the amount of comments the poem has. Another, if just newly submitted by someone, then, I just go through every one.. hehe.. I like to read!

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    I look at the amount of comments it has and the rating...and the category!

    16 years ago

    I read poems under explicit under drugs and alcohol because I like poems that are real or
    about real life they are usually fill with emotion
    and keep my itterest

  • David
    16 years ago

    The first line of the poem, or first stanza, sometimes even in special circumstances titles grab me. and i feel i am compelled to read them, just to satisfy my imagination with certain dark or sad titled poems....


  • Blueleo
    16 years ago

    I go at random until something jumps out at me. Sometimes it'll be the title, others it will be the rating. Sometimes, I just read poems of people who posted comments on my own poem. Or poems of people who are online. It's nice having conversations with other poets about their poems or about my own. The truth is, you'll never really know where a jewel is hidden unless you search everywhere.

  • Lauren
    16 years ago

    I like to read the depressed poems, and poems about life because I can relate to those kinds of things. Then I look for a title that gets my attention.

    I also go through poems of authors that I like and read them.

  • Rachel RTVW
    16 years ago

    Author's in my favorites, the poems on the boards, the poems that are nominated for the contests, if a title gets my attention, if I read comments and they have left one I thought was honest and helpful....after I do read them, I like them to have rhythm and flow, good word choice, unique style or be a challenging form..I don't like the rhyming to be forced or for someone to use too many filler words.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    Generally I just look at random work, sometimes a title will catch my eye, I enjoy reading all genres.

  • Grant Gilbert AKA Slash
    16 years ago

    I guess sometimes its the title that attracts me but i tend to stay amongst a group of poets i always read at least one poem of someone who commented on my poems,often a similar interest

  • Invited
    16 years ago

    I love poems that are unique and just differ from everyone elses poetry. Provoking lots of emotion.

  • Ray Lanthier
    16 years ago

    This site makes you choose category first. Subject matter doesn't make the poem. You can have a great poem about a pencil or a squirrel. I like Titles that are either very simple like 'Wound" or "Spin' or titles that are fanciful like "On the shades of a caliope concert in late spring"

  • iM LYiNG tO MY SELf
    16 years ago

    Hmm...I will just skim through all the cats. but I slways seem to lean more toward love poems!! THe title has a big play in it ...it needs to POP out at me....not so much the rating I barelly judge a poem by how many comments or ratings it has because maybe you'll understand the poem better than others...

  • Wolf Haines
    16 years ago

    I completely agree with BroknHeart. Although sometimes i just take a wild stab and pick one out.

  • StarGirl
    16 years ago

    I like poems that say a lot, have a lot of meaning to be taken as you like in a short amount of time. Long poems are great but half the time I wanna slice the entire thing in half. Like you don't need all these words to convey a message or story! But that's just me.

  • CanUKissAwayMyPain
    16 years ago

    What attracts me to a poems is usually the titles of the poems.. they jump out in fornt of me.

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    Ive recently been reading poems about relationships with parents, just finding them interesting just now but i liek the ones written from a young childs language making it more touching xx i think titles are really the key to drawing people in x

  • Brittany C
    16 years ago

    If I see that a poem has not been rated and or commented on then I chose to read that peom. Other then that I just pick at random. Haha I have read a lot of poems on this site. If I rate a poem I also comment on it if comment on it then I also rate it. If you are going to take the time to read and comment on a poem then you might as well rate it.
    If I see that a poem is new by an author on my favs list then I will r/r/c it for them.
    I lean more for the love, nature and dark poems.

  • ether
    16 years ago

    Titles, anything that's not "I love you", "broken", "alone", "sad", "love is" etc.

    And I like misc. poems.

    Then what keeps me reading are metaphors and originality

  • Dark Savior
    16 years ago

    What attracts me to a poem is the section, the title, the author, the length, the form.

    What keeps me reading it, is the originality and the wonders.

    Section - usually Dark/Sad/Love
    The Title - something unique..
    The Author - If I've seen them before and If I enjoyed their previous works.
    The Length - I'm not a fan of Haiku's
    The form - Structure has to be there.

    That's basically a break down of what I look for.

  • Meena Krish
    16 years ago

    The title of a poem-if it is creative, the length and how well it is written.

  • Minkus
    16 years ago

    Usually I form a first impression of a poem by its title--usually well-titled poems are less typical, which is what I look to avoid in a poem. Problem is, looking at some of my titles now, I realize that some of them don't express how unique I feel the poem is... I'll work on that.

  • Rynishia
    16 years ago

    I can tell by the title if I'am gonig to like it or not. If I'm going threw somrthing I look at the title of a poem that best descibes what I'm feeling.

  • Lethmelodis
    16 years ago

    Symbolism. I'm a sucker for symbolism. Especially when its relative to national symbols (such as Justice and Democracy), or relative to emotions.

    Metaphors too, especially deep subliminal ones.

  • Lonely Rider
    15 years ago

    Sometimes title, but I prefer reading poems which rhyme ... or else I couldnt read beyond 1st stanza unless the imagery in the first is captivating ... these are initial things that attracts me to a poem ...

  • Teria
    15 years ago

    I don't really choose poems. I click on 'Love' then i click on EACH of the sub-lists, close my eyes, and click. Whatever comes up I read the first stanza, if I like it I continue, if I don't then I don't. BUT, If I don't like it but think that it has potential I comment on it.

    Other than that, I go to the requests forum and pick some there. But, I randomly choose from the catergories quite often, haha.

  • XxBAYBiiGiRLxX
    15 years ago

    I like reading love or sadness poems i don't really go for anything i just read any....

  • Kenny
    15 years ago

    A poem with a rare ending that I do not expect at the end. . . .

  • Inside the Liar
    15 years ago

    Def. title. Also if one of the people on my favorite list has posted something new, I read that right away. I try to comment more on people who don't have a very high rating, mostly because I know how hard it is to try to get your rating up.

  • Timothy r
    15 years ago

    Anything with a great title, of course, that`s in the eyes of the beholder.

    15 years ago

    Unusual titles catch me.

    But also I love poems in the misc. catagory.
    Or life.

    I try to steer clear of Love, Sadness etc.

  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    I dont really aim to look for anything - I try to read all different types - You never know what you will come accross if you just stop looking to hard, give everybody a chance

  • NotHere
    15 years ago


  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    I think a title is really important, if it catches my eye because it's unique then I'll probably read it. I read the poems on my favorite author's list, and also some of the club poems :)

  • Baby Rainbow
    15 years ago

    Like sad poems so if the title sounds like one that might make you cry i will read it x