Confessions **60** HATORI

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Confession: i think i shall kill ben.

    and kris, idk. the rain there was just....gross. >.<

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Isn't it acid rain? *shrug* I dunno.

    Confession: I shoulda gone to bed so he wouldn't have to worry about me, but...sleep doesn't appeal to me right now.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    It might be. it might also be just because it's humid that the place is ALWAYS it's hot and sticky rain. *shrugs*

    Confession: I would sleep...but I'm too wound up waiting to see what he'll say....>.<

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Ah well that might be it too then.

    Confession: I think I will go to bed by 3. -.- I'm not feeling good.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Go to sleep. *nods*
    Sweet dreams, ok?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Nah I'm not going to bed for 15 minutes. I don't wanna. ha you get the prize you're the only one who's said that to me tonight.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    *shares the prize*

    that's ok.
    Jesse's supposed to tell me sweet dreams...buuuuttt after tomorrow he probably won't talk to me except to yell that i'm stupid and hurt him and the end. *rolls eyes* and then he'll avoid me and i'll cry and won't be able to sleep to i superficially fix things.

    sweet. :)

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Sweet you share.

    ah that sounds horrible.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Mm. *shrugs* it's pretty much daily. he'll yell. i'll get some poems out of it.

    but it's different this time.
    because i decided i don't want to care.
    and so i let go.
    i already heard the lecture multiple times, i know what to expect. he should know he's hurting me, NOT helping. but he doesn't understand that, oh wise sage that he is. >.<

    I ish a good sharerer!
    *shares my cold with you*

    but i don't really gotsa cold. O.O

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    That doesn't sound like it's been good at all.

    bleh I don't wanna cold good thing you don't have one.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Funny how he's still one of my best friends..*shakes head*
    I just miss back before i was his friend and not his burden...his obligation...

    sorry. just crap i shouldn't complain about. sorry.

    rofl. why don't you want a cold?!

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Ah I see. nah it's alright I complain all the time.

    Hmmm....I wonder.

    Confession: I'm going to stay up until I find the right song.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Lol. it's ok.

    pcht. I'm gonna give you something else then...hmm...but what.....?

    *gives you a potato*

    there. ^.^

    Confession: I can't believe he told about my poems.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *takes potato and looks at it*
    I'm gonna name you....spudnik *nods* cause I already have a mr. potato head who is named spud....though my friend calls him something else. -.-

    he read your poems and ratted you out to someone?

    Confession: my tummy hurts.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    *pets Spuddy* <----- tis his nickname. ^.^

    mmmph. I let him read one poem. in an email. he found my freaking account. and then he showed some girl i hardly know ((whom he's like in love with...gag)) my account. thus, i shall kill him.

    Confession: i would love to tell kris to go to sleep...but that's a bit hypocritical.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Haha I like the nickname.

    If it's people I know, I like to be the only person to show them my profile. Like I wouldn't want stacey going and showing my profile to her boyfriend zach without me knowing about it, but zach's cool, though...he'd make comments on my poems I'm sure. -.-

    Confession: I don't mind if you tell me to sleep, but in regards to sleep I only listen to the vampire on that subject. but I told taylor every night she was on late that she should sleep.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    I don't even know the girl, honestly. I konw her name. She tried emailing me, but i deleted them, i was pissed off. i didn't give him permission to do that..

    You should go to sleep. it's 3:30 there. you said 3. *nods* -.-'

    Confession: I'm going to go write a story ((or try)) and then I'm going to sleep.

    Sweet dreams, Kris.
    *runs off with the prize*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Ah yea I'd be mad to prolly. maybe I dunno.

    yea but....I haven't found the lyrics I want.

    lol alright night gabby.

    Confession: Thinks she may have found the lyrics she wants.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Confession: is impressed with 3 AM writing skills.

    Confession: really going to bed now. :)

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Confession: i loved the comment lexilicious left on my poem. :)

  • Wake Me Up
    16 years ago

    CONFESSION: i love my dog

  • Yuna
    16 years ago

    Confession: I'm not sure why, but I feel like other peoples emotions have a great effect on me.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Confession...I just want to get it over with, dangit. >.<

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Confession: One year for halloween i was a ladybug =]

  • Wake Me Up
    16 years ago


    why are love and pain so different, yet feel exactly the same in my heart?

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    An answer

    b/c love comes from hate
    and hate come from love

  • Wake Me Up
    16 years ago

    But isn't hate

    is just pain from everyone
    the people i love give me pain

    pain is then followed by my love

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Aww im sry maybe you should talk to them about it

  • Wake Me Up
    16 years ago

    They all kinda know

    but they want to help but
    the only one that can is gone
    as in half way accross the country

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Confession: I watched The Notebook again. It made me cry. Brought back too many memories all at once. Couldn't handle it.

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Confession!: I am so into degrassi im addicted =]

  • Yuna
    16 years ago

    Confession: umm.... exams are on Monday and Tuesday?

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Confession: ummmm.....i'm obsessed w/ twilight =]

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Confession: I still feel really bad about what happened.

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    Hey babe!
    *Huggles Tay*

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Confession: i have missed kayla =] and gabby

    does gabby get on n/e more

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Aww what is her name =]

  • Kayla
    16 years ago

    I think she's talking about "Gaby" hun.
    With only one B XD
    Cause the other Gabby joined AFTER Shelby left.

    And I miss you too, sweetie.
    How have you been?

    And I know, right?
    We need to talk more again, missy Tay!

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    *huggs back =]*

    i have been good i went through a pretty bad spell
    but i'm out of it

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Confession: I had a bad couple last months but i am pretty good now =] my head is back on straight