im starting to think people are voting on themselves

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    well uh, if you're worried about people caring too much about their ratings, then why even bring up people who have a lot of votes on their poems? I don't understand the purpose of this thread.

  • Timothy r
    19 years ago

    I am glad im not the only one who thinks this,.....

  • bucky
    19 years ago

    i don't vote on my work cause thats the not reason why i came to this site ... i am looking for peoples opinions not my own

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    Even if people did vote on their own work, what's the big deal? one 5 and three 4's or 3's will still come out to a not-so-high rating. Why does everyone have to crab about votes...

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Gracie Jo
    19 years ago

    People "crab" about votes because in the past people have voted 5's on themselves over and over again...


  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    I see that, but for one, it's not easy (you'll need access to different computers, or whatever), for two, if the poem does make it to the top, then people will read it, say, "This sucks! How did it make it here?" and vote 3 or 2 or whatever on it, and thirdly, Janis can see who's voting where, so if there's a problem, then he can take care of it, maybe...

    I used to do that... I would write a poem, and then immediately vote 5 on it. *Feels bad* Then I saw how dumb it was to boost your own ego... Well, one five won't teeter the totter too much.

    ~Ciao Lipton =)

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    Hey! Poetry is not about competition. Wow, how vain does one get?

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Never fear, our esteemed leader is as we speak placing in practise measures to monitor the voting system. ANY abuse of the votes will be recorded from now on.

    So chill and write on.

  • Kalika
    19 years ago

    I personally write my poems to express myself, and get some feelings out that I couldn't ordinarily do.....I don't care about votes....if people wish to vote, I am greatful for it, but I personally don't strive for it....


  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    You cant vote on anyone more than once, including yourself, and it is done by IP address, I'm not sure if it is also done by account though...

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Anyways, voting on here is not a competition. It's about getting honest appraisal and learning from it. Sorry, but anyone who thinks this is about anything other than personal improvement is a DOLT.

  • Tainted Butterfly
    19 years ago

    Kaitlin is can only vote for yourself once unless you access another computer or something. I don't see the point in it though..I prefer to see what people actually think of the things they write and if they vote..they should comment.

  • ..::Angel of your darkness::..
    19 years ago

    I just wanted to say that people can only vote for a poem once. if you try to vote for a poem again it wont work, unless you go on a different computer or different user name

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Who exactly are you referring to and do you have proof?

  • JJ
    19 years ago

    I totally agree! I think some ppl. are voting for themselves..cause honestly a great poem wont get voted for..but "a not so great poem' gets a hunderd votes. How'd that happened?

  • JJ
    19 years ago

    Also, you dont have to have another screen name to vote twice or thrice for a poem. You can login and log out and add another vote.

  • ScarletHaze
    19 years ago

    i dont vote 4 meself. i did once on a quote by accident wen i was messing around but dats it

  • Jordana
    19 years ago

    haha ok i didnt even know it was possible to vote for yourselves! but eiher way thats stupid. i think they shouldnt allow people to vote on their own things

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    This is constructive criticism not an attack on you
    or your poems. I do not clam to be an expert at
    writing poems or think my poems are some great
    excellent work of art. Far from it, I just started
    writing five mouths ago. However, I have learned
    from constructive criticism right here on P/Q.
    I have read almost all your poems and think they’re
    excellent. Comments from some of the best poets
    on P/Q pointed out about your rhyme and rhythm.
    Your comments back were “how can u not say this
    poem doesnt rhyme”. Well it doesn’t have to rhyme
    or have good rhythm, if that’s what you want. But
    if I were getting comments on a lot of my poems
    about rhyme and rhythm, I thank that poet and try
    to make it better or clam free verse. Also I can say
    you have many misspelled words that are pointed
    out in your comment boxes. Use the spell check
    my spelling sucks and with it I still can’t spell
    but it helps. You do have awesome talent and
    I hope this has not offended you your me.
    Votes are cool but comments are what it’s all about.

    Back to the topic, you posted

    “I do wanna have good ratings, i want to be a top
    poet at this website, but i know it will never happen
    because some people dont play fair”

    My opinion is if you want more votes work for it, by
    commenting and voting on poets you never have before,
    or promoting them in the forms so more people will
    notice your work. To me it’s about comments the good
    and the bad and I think the bad ones help the most.

    Free Verse: poetry without rules of form, rhyme,
    rhythm, or meter.
    Meter: refers to how the feet are put together to form lines of poetry.
    The combinations of long and short syllables give poetry a musical feel.
    Foot: the time period into which the beat of the poetic line is divided.
    A foot is made up of several syllables, some long and some short.

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    This is suggesting my opinion on this write and that’s all it is, Write On ( :

    “Everybodies” fool < spelling > “everybody’s”

    I say what “ i ” feel, < I > this line is 5 syllables
    what you hear < this line is 7 syllables
    truly is me.

    I say what I always feel < 7 syllables
    what you hear truly is me. < 7 syllables

    discriminate me all you want
    for I'll remain tactful
    ”forevor” abiding < spelling > “forever”
    with our insecure society
    ignoring “tyranical” hatred < spelling > “tyrannical”