Crushes are frustrating :[

  • Lorreign
    16 years ago

    So...I just want to vent kind of I guess. I've liked this guy for months now, alright? And every now and then...he just throws something out there that makes me /believe/ that he likes me, you know? He's a co-worker, and one day I came into the store on my day off...he steps away from his customer to say hey to me. I've walked in his direction before and he'll say something like "look at that sexy beast" (lol ok, not sure on that one...hasn't happened in a while. I didn't know how to react...) And then there was this big one...

    We use walkie talkies to communicate at work. Well, it was the day of the Indiana Jones premiere and I decided to just get brave and asked over the radio if anyone wanted to go see it with me. Of course in the back of my mind, I'm screaming YOU SAY YES! And...he did. He said "I'll go with you...and you can call it a date if you want to." I was positively floating for the rest of the day. I met him at the movies with some friends and we had a great time. But since then...nilch. Course I haven't been scheduled to work at the same time as him in a long time. It kind of zaps the flirting opportunities.

    So today, our lunches overlapped by about 15 minutes. I'm sitting in the back with him eating pizza and I ask him if he's going to the dark knight premiere. Then it goes further into some nondescript convo and I ask if he's seen Hancock yet. He hasn't, I haven't. I'm like..."I thought about going today since we close so early...but I'm not into the 'sitting by myself' cause I have no one to go with." BOOM he volunteers. "I'll go with you." We settle the details and meet at the theater. We had an awesome time and even chatted for about 15 minutes after it was over.

    The whole know. I'm hoping for a future planning to go see Hellboy or Dark Knight, since we both want to see those. But alas...."see you later" and that's it.

    But it's like...I think we have great chemistry. I'm funny, he's funny...we always find something to talk about. But nothing is happening. And it's frustrating because I don't have the balls to come out and say it, and if he does like me...he doesn't either. Though I did get a little braver today in initiating this movie 'date.' I just hate feeling the 'fish or cut bait' attitude. Every time I feel like I can move on and just forget it...he throws something out there that makes me rethink the possibilities.

    The problem is, I'm a notorious flirt with everyone BUT him...because I really do like him. I freeze up and don't know what to say. And since we don't work together as often anymore, and I really don't feel like I'm at a level where I can just up and call him...and he hardly logs on to feels so hopeless.

    so bah, I'm frustrated. I know everyone has felt like this before...but it's so much worse when you are going through it yourself. And it's like, I'm in college...I'm an adult here, crushes are so high school. :(

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    First off everyone gets crushes no matter how old they are.
    second maybe he thinks you dont like him cuz your not flirting with him like you do EVERYONE else as you said yourself.
    relax with him. flirt back. show some intrest and maybe he will actually take a step forward with you.

    good luck
    i send my best wishes.

  • Lorreign
    16 years ago

    I think it's easier to have flirty banner with everyone else, cause they venture up to the front counter more often. He doesn't :( And the next time we even work together is NEXT wednesday, and it's only an overlapping hour. *sigh*

  • Lil Ally Kat Xx In love xX
    16 years ago

    That true about the flirty banner thing

  • Lorreign
    16 years ago

    Lol I meant flirty banter by the way, banner haha. XD

    I try to be flirty on facebook, leaving him a comment every now and then and I've recently gotten addicted to 'flair' up there...and I've sent him a few pieces. But I don't think he logs in that often. Oh wells.

  • sweet escape
    16 years ago

    You just have to be more daring. seek him out once in a while instead of waiting for him to make the move.

  • SweeT pOisOn
    16 years ago it has been said to u b4..there is no age limit for the crush issue!!! feel free to have a crush on him!!!

    as for ur situation, it pretty much hahppens to everyone!! ummm...just have a bit of faith and patience, these things take time! ur both standing on the edge, having the same thought of the fear of rejection! he might like u back, or he might just be flirting (like u do with others) give it time
    however, don't go dry, add some spice...u know flirt every now and then, BUT make the way u flirt with him different than the way u flirt with others, so that he wud be able to notice the difference on his own!!!

    and about those overlapping hours, mka them the best, don't waste ur time thinking "what if he doesn't like me??" always think positive, but don't put ur head in the clouds! just have the positive thoughts surround ur mind!

    and most importantly have hope! maybe he knows u like him, but he wants to know how much u can hold on to him! he wants to know if he's just another summer crush or what!!!!???!!! u know how guys think!!

    so be smart, and don't rush in those things...take it easy and smoothly...and P.S. don't show him that ur head over heels for's just gonna make him more stubborn, as to see more comin out of ya!!!

    wish u the best of luck hun