Writing poetry

  • David
    16 years ago

    Do you always write poems from start to finish? or start with the end and then work backwards?

    i just write many stanza's then meld them into place. :)


  • Grant Gilbert AKA Slash
    16 years ago

    I normaly start and write to the end but sometimes i'll shuffle the stanzas to make more sense.

  • ABake
    16 years ago

    I just write and whatever is there when I finish is what I leave because it wouldn't be an original if I switched it around.

  • Invited
    16 years ago

    Start and then to the end.

  • Wolf Haines
    16 years ago

    Sometimes i get a few good lines pop into my head and i write them down, then keep doing it, then construct a poem out of it. Draft it afterwards to make sure it makes sense.

    Even with my story poems i did much the same.

    Sometimes i start with the end in mind (without writing it down) and just work along to that point. Have even been known to cut a poem short half way through because felt it needed no more attention.