15 years ago
I quote form the book twilight |
tears i cry
15 years ago
Only Those Who Dare To Fail Greatly Can Ever Acheive Greatly-R.F.K |
15 years ago
I was laying in my bed last night looking up at the stars and i thought where the he** is the cealing? |
15 years ago
A sadactsic vampire bent on torturing her to death , SURE no promblem , she runs off to meet him! . but a IV on the other hand!! |
15 years ago
"Success is not a destination, it is a journey." |
15 years ago
Omg, I LOVE quotes!! Make sure you guys go and check my quotes!! :P |
Love is a Beautiful Thing
15 years ago
I love these moments were we start hating each other |
15 years ago
One hundred years from now, it wont matter how you did on a test, or how popular you were. No one will care about how many hits you got in a baseball game. It wont matter if you miss a day of school, or what you got for your birthday, your highest score on a computer game wont be remembered or if your family had a swimming pool. No one will care who came in first in that one race, it wont matter if your handwriting was messy, or if all your artwork wasnt the best, but if you made life a little better for just one person, thats what will be remembered. Thats what will matter.. |
tears i cry
15 years ago
Im a huge Marilyn Monroe fan |
15 years ago
'I want to be the static in your jeans' |
15 years ago
"An rud a lionas an tsuil lionann se an croi." |
Love is a Beautiful Thing
15 years ago
Get 'R' Done!!!! Rock on Larry!!!! |
15 years ago
MAYBE sometimes youu have to stop waiting for someone to come along & fix what`s wrong. MAYBE youu have to stop feeling sorry for yourself & realize no one else has the answer. sometimes youu gotta be your own HER0. |
Its a love story
15 years ago
In life it is not about the breaths you take, but it is about the moments that take your breath away... |
15 years ago
"If you walked by a street and you was walking on concrete and you saw a rose growing from concrete, even if it had messed up petals and it was a little to the side you would marvel at just seeing a rose grow through concrete. So why is it that when you see some ghetto kid grow out of the dirtiest circumstance and he can talk and he can sit across the room and make you cry, make you laugh, all you can talk about is my dirty rose, my dirty stems and how am leaning crooked to the side, u can't even see that I've come up from out of that." - Tupac |
15 years ago
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." |
15 years ago
" Who is this ' Life '? And why is he handing out lemons? " |
15 years ago
"I'm afraid I have been leading you down the garden path. Or is it up? I can never tell which." |
Nobodys Hero
15 years ago
I'm Sorry, My Concience Called In Sick Again =] |
The Unwritten Love
15 years ago
....~ I Hate The Way You Look At Me, As If I Was BROKEN ~ ...^o) |
15 years ago
"If I can stop one heart from breaking, |
15 years ago
Kisses make goodbyes much sweeter.... |
15 years ago
Some people are like slinkies, completly usless, but you cant help but smile when they tumble down stairs.-T-shirt i read somewhere, |
15 years ago
When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and watch everyone wondering how the hell you did it. |
15 years ago
To the quote above me LOVE IT!!! |