The Pyro Pack: Attempting to Burn Rock Salt

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Okay so there's this site that Jess and Chris have created. It's basically the combining of the cookie catching crew and the bomb squad. It's awesome so if you want more info on it contact me and I'll refer you to Jess or Chris, or if you want you can go straight to them.

    Okay so if you wanna join The Pyro Pack give me your name and something to call you.

    The Pyro Pack:

    Kristine=Pyroticly Insane aka Angel of Flames
    Michaela=Sparky Fingers
    Jack=Irresistable Magical Smexy Pyro Booty
    Gaby=Fire Dancer
    Kat=Smexy Pyro Kitty
    Kyo/Ryu=Disco Inferno
    Mina=Burning Desire
    ky=Flaming Butterfly Diablo
    Ichigo=Burning Passion
    Auzy=The Super Massive Inferno Thingy
    Coco=The Flaming Penguinator
    Chris=Forward Flames of Glory
    Kayla=Flaming Spoon Wielder of Doom
    Alex=Combustable Goodness
    Liam=Pyrokid aka Burning Squid
    Stacey=The Reluctant Pyro
    Rys=Squeeky Greatabulous Pyro
    AJ=Napalm Zealot
    James=Flamingly Delicious
    Taylor=Firelicious Tay Tay
    Mo=Pyro Princess
    Jade=Flame Commander
    Brenda=Purple Cow of Burning Doom
    Tara=Flaming Teddy
    Gabby=La Overcooked Burnt Marsh-a-ma-llo-w
    Lizzi=Pyro Pixi
    Lexie=Burning Inferno Child

    I'm requesting that if you guys are really chatty and get the thread locked that you wait for me to create a new one so I can edit the list. Otherwise whoever creates the thread will be expected to add names and nicknames whenever someone wants to join.

  • ArcadiaVera
    16 years ago

    Hey i'm vera can i be a part of this too?

    how about.... idk, i'm not good at this.

    anyone mind coming up with a nickname for me?

  • ArcadiaVera
    16 years ago

    Good night! =)

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    *spontaneously combusts*

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *sets self on fire*
    x] it tickles

  • BornAgainWriter
    16 years ago

    I totally forgot I was in the club. Sheesh it's been forever.

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago


  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago


  • BornAgainWriter
    16 years ago

    Hiiiiiiii gaby!!!!
    sheeshes i missed you.
    where you been at?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago


    sooooooo where is everyone?

  • Poptart In Disguise
    16 years ago

    Coco your picture is adorable ^.^

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Yes yes very nice coco.

    *gives taylor a cookie*
    hello there

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Most likely not, but surely it would make you a canibal

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Haha of course it is XD

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    So become a canibal. we won't tell XD

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Hehe tell me what you decide in the end.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Haha prolly.

    eeepss!!! don't eat me XD

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    O.o I might try..
    *is scared*
    *Runs away*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *continues running*
    *looks over my shoulder to see how far back you are*
    *runs into a pole*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *pokes the ice pack*

    =o I got hit by a door today at work. someone opened it, and it hit me. soooo not cool

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago


  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    *sneaks in*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *runs in stars*
    where's everyone at?

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    *huggles Kris uber uber uber hard*

    Well yes I was, but I quit the club because it seemed like nothing was actually happening, and I haven't been able to get on much lately.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *huggles gaby uber uber uber hard back*
    you've been MIA for a bit you know. You ish still in chris's club. weeeeee

  • InvisiblyHeartless
    16 years ago

    I've been here. just never anything i have to say or anything...

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    *continues huggling Kris uber uber uber uber strongly*
    Yea I know I've been MIA, I'm sorry, I've just been really busy and haven't had time to get on really. It's awful. :[
    But yup, I'm still in Chris's club, don't worry.

    *huggles Lexie too*

  • InvisiblyHeartless
    16 years ago

    I got huggled!
    i'm happy. im actualyl happy. today is going so right.
    i wonder whats going to crash and burn?
    something will. i never ahve a totally good day.

    i met a boy....crazy as can be.
    but we are just friends. no ideas...

    haha no one is talking. so i will.

  • IchixXxCrushing
    16 years ago

    Woot fire!!


  • XdangerouslyXgenuineX
    16 years ago

    Anyone miss me???

  • InvisiblyHeartless
    16 years ago

    Wow. this thing is like. dying.
    people need to talk

  • InvisiblyHeartless
    16 years ago

    Bloopers are fun to watch

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *sits on the ceiling and hums to self*

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    This thread is dying!!!
    I'm so sorry that I haven't been on to keep it alive!

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *sigh* I haven't been popping onto the threads as much either.

  • firexdancer
    16 years ago

    It doesn't look like anyone else really has though, so don't feel bad.
    It's just sad that our threads are dying.
    *hugs you*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    *hugs you back*
    I just really haven't had anything to say cause no one is really in here.

  • Bianca
    16 years ago

    Page 3. o_O
    Tsk, tsk.

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    16 years ago

    Sweet guru saved it for me.