Poetry websites.

  • Spoken Silence
    16 years ago

    Are there any other poetry websites like poems and quotes? I'd like to know other places I could post my poetry ^ ^.

    I know about allpoetry.com but that wasn't so good. and fanfiction isn't really the right place.

    So any suggestions?

  • Poet on the Piano
    16 years ago

    All the ones I know about are:


    Hope this helps!

  • NinjaGirl
    16 years ago


    ^^^ - a site of my friends, it might help

  • dollwithafrown
    16 years ago

    I post some of my poems on deviantART. :)

  • Ray Smallshaw
    16 years ago

    There are 100's on the web just use google or any search tool and type poetry clubs or poetry friends and the list is endless.
    Yet like all things there are good and bad that is how I ended up trying to answer your question have a look around and you will find one for your age group, like, dislikes all the school and all the groups and movements. Hope this is a help

  • Spoken Silence
    16 years ago

    Thank you so much.

    I've checked out a few of the sites and they are really helpful.

    Advice: some poetry websites are scams. such as poetry.com. So thats what I found out. I just wanted to let people know about this.