How to find poems by forms

  • Christopher Wry
    16 years ago

    There have been a few posts on this already so I will just ad my two cents to the idea that we should put the form type in with the title which would help anyone looking for certin forms (Haiku ect) as to going farther I have no ideaersyet.

  • Moose
    16 years ago


    I'm going to guess you mean as another sub-category, am I correct? Like how the poems are split into their own seperate genres?

    This sounds like a great idea but only if it included Haikus, Sonnets, and other well known forms.

    I would guess that there is upwards of 100+ forms of style in poetry, (although this may be unbelieveably incorrect and inaccurate).

    My guess is if its just to maybe make the searches a little more conclusive, yeah having the seperate drag down table for Haikus, sonnets, etc would be great, and maybe just have another category that has "Other".

    But I think that maybe some other poets would notice these different forms and it would influence them to look into different stylings, so it may even help the poets themselves out of curiousity.