my brain is about to explode

  • blarg
    19 years ago

    OMG!!!! the chatroom is down and I am going insane (well,more insane 'cause I was insane before)
    but yeah, it's craziness. they didn't even say when it's coming back! ahhhhhh maybe it ran away with the spoon...or the cow, cows are cute okay okay okay calm happy thoughts peaceful garden bubbling stream..wait how does a stream bubble? bubbles are nice good bubbles i like bubbles.MY BUBBLES! don't you dare take my bubble from me! it's mine!!!!!!!!! *starts to cry* oh no it popped

  • Kailynn Makenna
    19 years ago

    sorry to hear about your bubble!! :)


  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    *puts on rain coat and gets out umbrella and opens it* brains can be messy when exploding! but ya i agree i miss that chat too! but just warn me when it actually does explode, k? PLP

    ~lil slam~

  • Mandy
    19 years ago

    im bored

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    Mandy you may be confused but since your bored you might want to think about covering up, someones brain is about to explode! PLP

    ~lil slam~