Chat Thread Users (and others, too)

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    Please be sure to read the Forum Rules thread before posting in the forums, and when you encounter new members, direct them to that thread as well.

    There is to be no profanity in the any threads. Since there are so many of these Club-type threads that move so quickly, it's hard for the mods to keep up with them and read through them all, so if you see any profanity that is not taken care of, please PM a mod with a link to that thread.

    Also, one of the rules is to not air club business in public forums. What happens in a club... stays in the club.

    Thank you,
    Ann Marie

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Thank you, well stated.
    Muchos gracias. ^.^

  • Fluffy
    16 years ago

    Thank you

  • Lori
    16 years ago


  • dirtyhands
    16 years ago
